Anything change?

When I was working there this past year there were quite a few rumors going around since quemet (however his name is spelled) came 'into town' such as certain people being let go and housing being bulldozed/improved....anyone happen to know if any of those rumors have actually come full force? Or just another CP rumor mill thing?



2011- Corkscrew,Top Thrill Dragster, Party Tower
2012: Lifegaurd at Noah's Ark Water Park

I don't know about anybody being let go, however I know he doesn't like the living conditions that is offered to employees. As for housing being bulldozed, it's going to take a while. Keep in mind that he just started at the beginning of the year. So it could take a season or 2 for the said improvements to go through. Truthfully, the housing isn't bad. You're really only there to sleep or hangout. As long as you and your roommates keep your room clean, there's nothing to worry about.

The bathrooms sometimes are a different story. They get cleaned only once a the morning to be exact. Your first week you'll figure out when the best time to wake up is if you wanna shower before work, because they do clean the bathrooms at such an inconvenient time and get mad if you use the bathrooms while they're cleaning. The commons store has a small bathroom so if all you have to do is go to the bathroom and/or do your hair, I used that bathroom, grabbed my breakfast since I was already in the store, and then headed to the park for work. You'll find alternatives while working there. It's a fun time and you make great friends.

I was in bayside last year...and aside from bedbugs since there were some less than clean was not bad at all. I visited the commons once and could not comprehend living there...air conditioning or not. You eventually get used to the heat....then again where I worked I had AC and my own 'office' so going to work was actually a luxury. Not having been able to go to a college on campus (instead did a community college) this was the perfect opportunity to live my 'college days' and was rather enjoyable over all.

I wanted to live in Bayside, but the thought of not having air conditioning and rooming with 12 people didn't sound fun to me. I commute to my school too and that's one of the major reasons why I wanted to work at Cedar Point too.

I think the most people we had in our apartment was 6 people....12 people was commons apartments...bayside I think maxed out at 8 people (and thats pushing it)

Oh, That's right! 6 people to live with isn't that bad. That's only 2 more than 1500s maxed out at (if you were unlucky and had a full room), and you get a larger space with a kitchen and living area. But the lack of A/C would be hell for me! Was there any way to buy a window A/C and put it in the rooms?

yup...thats what we helped a little but the AC btu wasn't really high enough. Technically CP charges you I think an extra 30 for the AC unit (since it eats up more electricity) but thats only if they find out. Had I not had the AC'D job and had they tried to charge me for the ac...I'd probably tell em to bugger off and threaten to call osha lol. Either used to the heat and had an enjoyable experience. Worked in AC, came home in heat, went out to louie's, occasional route 250 run repeat and rinse.

Nice! That's how it was for me but I didn't work indoors. 250 saw a lot of me during the season that's forsure! B-dubs mostly. Oh Louie's, I hope they expand the back patio more and add another outdoor bar that is NOT right by the door to go in. I hated how everyone would huddle in that area when I'm trying to get through. Luckily, most of my friends will be of age this season, so we won't have to go on those ridiculous Thursdays and/or Sundays

MillenniumSpork's avatar

TwistedWicker77 said:
Nice! That's how it was for me but I didn't work indoors. 250 saw a lot of me during the season that's forsure! B-dubs mostly. Oh Louie's, I hope they expand the back patio more and add another outdoor bar that is NOT right by the door to go in. I hated how everyone would huddle in that area when I'm trying to get through. Luckily, most of my friends will be of age this season, so we won't have to go on those ridiculous Thursdays and/or Sundays

But then you'll still go on Thursdays and Sundays because that's when everyone else goes. =P

2010: Millennium Force & Mantis
2011: Raptor
2012: Raptor, Sky Ride and Wicked Twister
2013: Co-Team Leader of Sky Ride
2014: Supervisor of Slingshot/Skyscraper

Bahaha so true! All of the new first year employee friends I'll be making can't go until then :(

MillenniumSpork's avatar

TwistedWicker77 said:
Bahaha so true! All of the new first year employee friends I'll be making can't go until then :(

Butttt... you can make returner friends too! Some that are 21+ :P

2010: Millennium Force & Mantis
2011: Raptor
2012: Raptor, Sky Ride and Wicked Twister
2013: Co-Team Leader of Sky Ride
2014: Supervisor of Slingshot/Skyscraper

very true! I think this year is gonna be an awesome one!

MillenniumSpork's avatar

TwistedWicker77 said:
very true! I think this year is gonna be an awesome one!

For sure!

Did you apply for leadership? Or what rides do you want? Wiggle Twiggles?

2010: Millennium Force & Mantis
2011: Raptor
2012: Raptor, Sky Ride and Wicked Twister
2013: Co-Team Leader of Sky Ride
2014: Supervisor of Slingshot/Skyscraper

No I didn't apply for leadership but yes, I definitely want to return to the World's Tallest and Fastest Inverted Impulse Roller Coaster...The ONLY record holding roller coaster at Cedar Point...which has much better colors than Raptor..........Wiggle Twiggle! We call it that because it wiggles in the back and we WHAT like it like that.

MillenniumSpork's avatar

TwistedWicker77 said:
No I didn't apply for leadership but yes, I definitely want to return to the World's Tallest and Fastest Inverted Impulse Roller Coaster...The ONLY record holding roller coaster at Cedar Point...which has much better colors than Raptor..........Wiggle Twiggle! We call it that because it wiggles in the back and we WHAT like it like that.

Hey! Don't hate on my dirty birdie! Although, I will admit she does need a paint job, badly.

I actually accidentally called it Wiggle Twiggles to a guest last year. They looked at me like I was retarded.

2010: Millennium Force & Mantis
2011: Raptor
2012: Raptor, Sky Ride and Wicked Twister
2013: Co-Team Leader of Sky Ride
2014: Supervisor of Slingshot/Skyscraper

I swear you two are strange....Although I must admit...working in an office I think I did miss out on alot of the social aspects of working at CP. Sure I got out in the park and walked around fixing things but I swear its like a whole different world when you actually are IN in the park.

ExcessiveIdling said:
I swear you two are strange....

LOL it must be a ride host thing!

Last edited by TwistedWicker77,

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