Any Word or Thought on anything else for 06?

I have a great idea that I believe will help the CP merchants. We were just there this past weekend and would have bought some things at the stores but didn't feel like carrying them around or having to worry about making it back to a locker to retrieve the stuff when we were ready to leave. How about having delivery service to the onsite guests to their rooms or campsites. Or how about even setting up a booth at the main exits (not just the front) where you can pick your stuff up when you are leaving?

Just thought of something else. Put those paper seat covers in the campground bathrooms!

You know, CP does offer items for sale at their online store that are delivered right to your home. Maybe that's an option for you if you don't want to hit the gift shops on the way out of the park.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

JuggaLotus's avatar

The OL store has a pretty crappy selection. Its not a bad idea (Disney does it, and we took major advantage of it) but I can see it causing huge lines at the front of the park as EVERYONE is trying to get their stuff at once.

Two things merch really needs though:
1)quality Hoodies (lots could be done in this area).
2)Jersey's. My preference is hockey, but I could see BBall jerseys being decent sellers as well. (I would really like to get a high quality Raptor hockey Jersey.)

Goodbye MrScott


How about having delivery service to the onsite guests to their rooms or campsites.

This used to be available from some of the shops on the Frontier Trail. We had stuff sent to the Breakers where we picked it up on our way to our room. Granted this was two years ago, but it did exist on a small degree.

djDaemon's avatar

CP should at least consider the construction of a parking deck to replace some of the lot. They could build a 5-decker over, say, one-quarter of the lot, and increase the capacity while reducing the footprint.


(I would really like to get a high quality Raptor hockey Jersey.)

I have one of those.



2007: Wicked Twister TL
2006: Disaster Transport ATL
2005: Raptor

Thats sweet man. Do they have those for every coaster or ride?

Every year the crews (in rides AND other departments of the park) make up crew shirts (and some times hoodies). Raptor took it a step further this year and got hockey jerseys. So... this is the only cedar point hockey jersey that you will see. :)


2007: Wicked Twister TL
2006: Disaster Transport ATL
2005: Raptor

Hockey is truly back.

djDaemon's avatar

Okay, back on topic...

What I'd love to see, would be a parking structure put up in the parking lot. Something along the lines of a 5-story structure, built in the southern 1/4 of the lot.

This would allow CP to expand the park into the remaining lot space, which is quite a significant piece of land.

I realize this is not gonna happen for '06, but it seems only logical for sometime in the future.


I think you will see a parking structure at the back of the park before you see one at the front of the park.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

djDaemon's avatar

That would seem strange to ruin the water view with a parking structure back there...


Walt's avatar

What water view exists in the Soak City lot? If anything, a 50' structure would create a view. :)

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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NO! No more cars back at my gate, please! The hotel people are enough to piss me off as it is! ;)

Walt- good idea about the fish. Perch and Walleye- always a local favorite.

I can't believe they haven't picked up Mrs. Knott's Fried Chicken. Some of the best I've ever tasted, and would be a hit at the Point. I think Frontier Inn would be a good location, with a re-do and an expansion for seating. (They used to sell Chicken Patio fried chicken there, back in the day. Anyone remember?)

I'm the oldest one here. CP emp '73-'74

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