Any Word or Thought on anything else for 06?

I think djDaemon's idea is a little more practical.

101 on Magnum and counting...

djDaemon said:
Very true. CP could build a parking structure somewhere that is about 1/4 the size of the current lot, and make it six-levels, effectively increasing its size.

Thats proabbly Cedar Points massive space saving plan if they ever want to expand the park outwards.

Kyle D
Rollbacks - 1 - Opening Day 2005
Last TTD train of the night (6-23/24).

Hey why don't we talk about this in the other thread. That's what is was made for. And WT you practically copied the name and started a thread that is the same thing. This thread should be deleted.

^I'm sorry are you a mod? I didn't realize you were a mod, I mean if you are thats great, I just had no idea.

Since the other thread is talking about "rides for '06" I think the point of this thread was to talk about other general improvements besides rides.

Thrills Around the Corner!


Kevinj's avatar

I REALLY like the lighting package they installed last season. That improved the look of that part of park immensely. While I am not big "games" player, I just like walking through there now.

What I have always wanted is something in the lines to make them at least remotely enjoyable...or doable, on very busy days.

I would like to see monitors installed in each line (the busy ones...MF, TTD, Mantis, Raptor), that could show a description of how the ride was fast it it was little documentaries of each ride. Mixed in with some advertisements of course to pay the bill. If they did something like this, could the money from advertisers (hey...get your product advertised for THREE hours in Millenium Force's line!) pay for the installation costs?

Kings Island has these...and I always thought it was one of those "little thing" CP would benefit from. People would certainly complain less, I would think, about long lines if they had something to watch.

Sorry for long post
*** Edited 10/6/2005 3:29:51 PM UTC by Kevinj***

djDaemon's avatar

Man, if I had to listen to commercials in line, I would take a dump right there on the ground! Its bad enough that a Pepsi, from the Pepsi machine with a GIANT Pepsi logo on it costs $3! Seriously, I go to the park (among other reasons) to escape everyday life - one of the inescapable things about everyday life are ads. Please don't ruin my trip to CP with more ads!!! Seriously, I WILL poop on the ground... without wiping.

*** Edited 10/6/2005 3:49:12 PM UTC by djDaemon***


Kevinj's avatar

I only mentioned the ad idea as a way for CP to pay for it. I wouldnt want to listen to ads either.

BUT...if I got 30 minutes of a cool little documentary about Mantis and then 3 minutes of commercials, that would make the line, in my opinion, more bearable, on a busy day.

Screw the ads. I still think monitors showing something would be a decent upgrade.

It would be a better time-filler than trying to figure out which degenerate is trying to hide his cigarette b/c he cant stop smoking for 45 minutes.

Jason Hammond's avatar

I think they should put them in just to see if dj would really do that.

I always like those at Kings Island.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

djDaemon's avatar

^ I would, you just wait!

Now, I could maybe deal with 3 min for every 30 minutes of video, but NO more than that. And, chances are, there would be more... much more. Why sell 3 minutes of ad time when you can sell 9 minutes for triple the money? That's the mentality of a business.


I like Walt's idea about the Lake Erie perch but is there a perch season for the lake? The fresh perch would be awesome but eating frozen perch would be the same as at any restaurant.

I would like to see a candy stand at the resort gate. I usually park in the back and would like to get a bag of cotton candy on the way out. I know they would make a few bucks off of me if they did this and I would imagine the impulse sales would be big with all of the families heading back to the resorts.

JuggaLotus's avatar

I think in 2006....

The Wings will win the cup.

England will reclaim the World Cup, with the US advancing to and winning an elimination round match once again.

Trout fishing in Lake Erie will be really good.

I will use my season passes more than I did this year.

We will see a record lottery prize somewhere in the 500 million range.

Allan Trammel will find a job as a scout with the Tigers.

I will move into a nicer house.

Those are all the thoughts I have (for now anyways) on anything else for 2006.

Goodbye MrScott


djDaemon's avatar

We will see a record lottery prize somewhere in the 500 million range.

Hey! Is that another clue about the secret coaster that they're building?!? ;)


Vince982's avatar

Is this like Conan O'Brian's "In the year 2000"? And by the way, what is it with people talking about poo lately?

At Canada's Wonderland they have the TV's with music videos and general park advertisements. I will tell you, to this day I hate the songs that were played over and over on those TVs. The problem was that there were only 2 music videos. I think the best idea would be to play maybe one of the DVDs or videos that the park sells.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

crazy horse's avatar

How about they build the new water fountain that was supposed to be installed 2 years ago. I think it was going to replace the water ball.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Now the fry stands USED to sell perch way back in the old days, but they stopped because the fries were just SO much more popular that they needed all the friers.


2007: Wicked Twister TL
2006: Disaster Transport ATL
2005: Raptor

Let me add something to the list. I think that Power Tower red tower needs to be repainted.

Most of the rides that have been added in the last 5-7 years would look a lot better with fresh paint.

Look how long it took them to paint only part of Magnum. I doubt painting rides is high on their "must do" list.

I'd bet repainting is a scheduled thing. They'll get to it...eventually.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

crazy horse said:
How about they build the new water fountain that was supposed to be installed 2 years ago. I think it was going to replace the water ball.

No no no! The water ball is cool!
We really need to install more popcorn stands though, that foot long popcorn was good!

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