Any tips for a New Employee?

Hello! my name is Foster, (But most everyone calls me Feber) I just accepted my Job to Work the Power Tower this summer! and i have a few questions to ask about housing and such.

Is it really as bad as all the forums say? from what I've read I'd rather just sleep outside on the ground! I'm very much so easily impressed, and i can make the best of any situation, but i don't want to feel like I'm going to die of mold all summer. what housing do you recommend for someone who likes to be in smaller groups of people?

Also, I have weird sleeping habits (I talk and sometimes i walk) so being with someone who would know this in advance would be really nice, so basically, I'm asking if anyone would want to save me a spot if their staying in one of the smaller dorms.

I'm also used to long days, (Thanks Marching Band) but i have to eat almost constantly to keep my sugar in check, will i be able to eat when i need to?

I really love Cedar Point, I always have! it's been a huge influence in my life!

I'm really excited to finally have a job, and i can't wait to work this summer (I start on June 17, so if anyone wants to PM me and save me a spot or something please do!)

Foster ~Feber~ Eber

Last edited by Feber,

Hey Feber. What job did you apply for? The housing really isn't as bad as everybody says. Just keep your stuff clean and hope that your roommate(s) does too. You won't be dying of mold, but make sure that you shower and take your uniform to wardrobe daily (sadly, some people have to be told) to avoid bed bugs. It's a very fun summer job and you will love it and possibly go back for more seasons after this year.

PS: Don't stay on the top bunk if you have weird sleep habits like that.

Last edited by TwistedWicker77,
MillenniumSpork's avatar

Hey Feber! I'm Ashley, this will be my fourth year of service and I'm working Sky Ride this season.

Housing is what you make of it. It's not the best, it's not the worst thing in the world. But you'll realistically only be there to sleep and that's it. I've lived in both the 1500's (Common Dorms) and the 1100 (Common Apartments) and I prefer the Common Dorms more than the Apartments any day. The apartments get extremely disgusting, dirty, hot and gross, plus you have way too many roommates. With the dorms you only have 2-3 other roommates, air conditioning and lockers.

You can find possible roommates on this page: - and I would also highly recommend finding roommates prior to moving in, but that's just me.

If you work an Open to Close shift, you'll get a 45, 30 and a 15 break. I can't say for sure, but on my past crews, we've always had candy in controls... but you really can't leave a position to just go and get a Starburst.

Also, feel free to join the Cedar Point Park Operation's Facebook group and get to know people!

At Power Tower, your Team Leader is going to be Chris Beaufort, who's ah-mazing and hilarious. You're going to love working with him!

2010: Millennium Force & Mantis
2011: Raptor
2012: Raptor, Sky Ride and Wicked Twister
2013: Co-Team Leader of Sky Ride
2014: Supervisor of Slingshot/Skyscraper

Thanks everyone! I'm really excited! Are than other things I should be aware of?

Macho Nachos.

2012: Gemini/Mean Streak
2013: Co-Team Leader of Gemini/Maverick on Halloweekends Fridays
2014: Ride Supervisor of Thunder Canyon/Skyride/GateKeeper on Halloweekends Fridays
2015: Ride Supervisor of Rougarou

I don't think housing is as bad as everyone says. Yes, the rooms are small, but in reality, you're not there a lot.

- Take a lot of pictures.
- Have respect for the costume characters. You think you're hot when it's 102 degrees out? Yea, try that in a costume.
- Please do not start any unnecessary dram with anyone / anyone on your crew. Think before you speak. Have respect for your crew members / others.
- There will be days that will be long. But those are the days that you will remember.
- Sign up for direct deposit ASAP!!!!!! This will avoid you loosing your paycheck / having a stash of money in your room.
- Never walk across the bridge while wearing flip flops. Especially if your a klutz. (I don't want anyone else ending up at First Aid).
- Take more than one pair of shoes to CP. At least one pair will get soaked at some point during the season.

I will probably have more advice when I think about it, but here's a starter...

09 - Breakers Boutique
10 - Emporium
11 - Costume Character for the Peanuts Gang
12 - Day off relief for the town / trail
13 - Not going to put that on the internet, but my uniform is not purple...

I'm dumb, I guess I missed the very first line of your post saying that you're at Power Tower. I have never worked it, but I heard from so many people that it is such a fun ride to work. Come to think of it, I haven't heard anybody say anything bad about it. They love it so much, that they never wanted to get trained on another ride in the area (Dragster, Millie, Magnum, etc). You're going to have a great season I can tell you that much.

There are surprisingly a lot of people who are in band that work at Cedar Point, so I'm sure you'll make tons of friends that way. Outside of work, be prepared to spend even MORE time with your crew and others. Your paychecks will mostly be going towards food from crew outings and such. But it's worth it.

Any other questions, ask away...

Everyone works on rides and Im going to be a waitress D: any foods people out there?!!?!?!?

Ashley Christensen said:
Everyone works on rides and Im going to be a waitress D: any foods people out there?!!?!?!?

I hope to be, I have an interview friday.

with who?

TheOneMan said:

Ashley Christensen said:
Everyone works on rides and Im going to be a waitress D: any foods people out there?!!?!?!?

I hope to be, I have an interview friday.

Someone on the behalf of John Hiller, that's all I know.

Last edited by TheOneMan,
liebevision's avatar

Hey guys, you're both new here, but you don't need to use the quote button to respond to the previous post.

Good luck.

Demon Drop 2004
Castaway Bay Lifeguard 04-05

liebevision's avatar

People always are saying "it's your crew that will make your summer" and this is partially true.

I always stick with "it's your roommates that will make your summer" and even more so "it's your roommates that will make halloweekends"

What was really nice when I worked there was that I processed in a little under 3 weeks before the dorms opened. I used this time wisely to meet a lot of people, and find myself a couple of friends that I wanted to room with. (actually one of them was my assigned roommate originally, and was also on my crew) So when 1500 opened, we were first in line with a full compliment to our room. Even though we all live far apart now, we still get together whenever we can and talk all the time. Where as the rest of my crew are simply facebook friends now.

The time I spent in the apartments was awful though. At one point we were hopping in my car and going to the ymca to take a shower because the bathroom was so nasty with all those people using it and a few had no respect for others. One morning I went into the bathroom and there was hair that doesn't come from ones head carpeting the shower... and some in the sink. (yuck) So yeah, the odds of getting 3 or 4 people together with decent habits and respect for eachother isn't that bad compared to 12 or so.

Demon Drop 2004
Castaway Bay Lifeguard 04-05

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