Any NW Pa Pointers?

We are Penn State! I'm 45 minutes this side in the big city of Clearfield.
SqHill resident here, parents live in Venetia. I went to Peters Township HS many moons ago, and CMU for college...

MF count: 35
everyone yell at wolfe for making us think of the it's a small world song.......! Of course I don't know whats worse that or the Hold On commercials! lol
Feeling kruggie cause I'm not at the Point.
Or even worse, the "Hold On" billboard! I spotted one yesterday crossing the Bloomfield bridge (from Bigelow towards Liberty) Ugh, what a horrible ad campaign.

MF count: 35
*** This post was edited by GregLeg1 on 6/6/2001. ***
I'll remember that jab about Shenango next time I see you Nat. Go Wildcats!!!
Ahhh, give Nat a break, loriu...she's from New Castle! Imagine having to grow up in New Castle *shudder*. Its a small world after all....

I really should be working...
I live just north of Sharon, I got to school at Sharpsville Area High School.

shoewee, how are the Golden Tornadoes this year? That's another love of mine, small college football, and Geneva is one of THE BEST!

~*She seems to have an Invisible Touch (15 years ago this summer!)*~
Ride of Steel's avatar
Hey now, I'm not from NEW CASTLE.....I went to NESHANNOCK.

That's a big difference. :oP

Mine Ride '99 (RIDE MINE!)
Thunder Canyon '00 (TC2K 0\/\/Nx0rZ j00!)
Mine Ride ATL '01

I grew up in New Castle also. Shenango (where I went to school) and Neshannock (where Nat went to school) are old, but civil rivals. Believe it or not, there are quite a few school districts in New Castle.
Hmmmm, suddenly I'm finding myself outnumbered.... Actually I had a friend from up there too that I used to always tease. In fact Nat I believe knows her or at least her sister.

I really should be working...

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