Any NW Pa Pointers?

Hiya everyone... For my official 1st post I'm wondering if I'm the only one in NW Pa to have such an obsession (lol)? I start to talk about the Point and I get a LOT of funny looks...

AIM: Pritti Kittie
Jess, I moved to the Hampton/Gibsonia/Allison Park area last August. I am also an obsessed Pointer,lol. I wore my Milennium Force sweatshirt on a Kennywood physics day trip (the one with the sparkly M in the front)and got a lot of comments.."Is that scary?""Is that the sinking one?", etc..but yeah everything is also compared to Kennywood when I start to talk CP.. oh well I will always know theres hope when I see the sign for the Ohio turnpike..ah home..Jess how do you make your trips to CP? Do you drive there that morning or get a hotel? We can't really decide which to do, it's an odd distance from our home to Sandusky.

Yeah Log Ride! *** This post was edited by Swan Boats on 6/3/2001. ***
I'm from good old North West PA. New Castle Area where Natalie's hometown is. People have just become used to me rambling on and on and on about CP and well I don't think they care anymore. Although most people here have been to Cedar Point at least once in their life time.

~Chip Force
I am a southwestern girl...I live just a mere twenty minutes from kennywood! For the record,,my last trip to the point involved us waking up at five am leaving at six stopping for breakfast and landing at the park as the gates open! We checked into our hotel before we hit the park though! This worked out great and we will do the same for out next trip! I am wondering what it would be like to not stay the night,,drive up,ride and drive home...Anyone ever try that.. I know I am whooped after a day at the point but with a driver to switch off with...mmm?

Feeling kruggie cause I'm not at the Point. *** This post was edited by kruggie on 6/4/2001. ***
Ride of Steel's avatar
Yup yup, good old Neshannock township, New Castle girl here. But for now I live here in Sandusky. ;)

Mine Ride '99 (RIDE MINE!)
Thunder Canyon '00 (TC2K 0\/\/Nx0rZ j00!)
Mine Ride ATL '01
I'm a Northwestern PA Cedar Point freak too! I'm in Beaver Falls, going to school at Geneva. It is a hard distance away because if you're there all day, which who can miss even a minute of ride time, then you are dead tired by the end of the day and don't want to make the trip home. We should all get together and make a car pool and hotel trip up there. :) That would be cool

Camp Snoopy Ride Op 2000
MF Laps-50
I too am originally from New Castle (sorry Nat, went to Shenango) and have been going to CP on a yearly basis since I was 15. Never made it to Kennywood until I was 16. I now live in Center Twp, 15 minutes north of the Pgh airport and any time friends have question about the Point, they know who to call.
Kruggie -

Curiosity makes me ask where, since I grew up 25 min from KW.

Duane Cahill
Hey guys, I'm back!
Hi Jess
I'm from New Castle, Pa and have been a Cedar Point fanatic for many years.

I live in Level green which is just outside monroeville, and you DB?

Feeling kruggie cause I'm not at the Point.
More dahn sahth than 'at.

Grew up in Belle Vernon, however Harrisburg has been home for the past 9 years (following a 4-year stint in Central Illinois).

20 minutes from Level Green? Hmmm... I must be driving too fast through Swissvale! LOL

Duane Cahill
Coming soon to a park near you!
I guess I should throw my two cents in since although I am currently in Baltimore, I'll always be a Pittsburgher. I grew up in White Oak (right next to McKeesport) only 10 minutes away from Kennywood. But I've kind of always had a love affair with both parks. Although KW started since basically birth, I think I fell for CP during my employment at KW which the mid summer trip to CP was tradition. Well even though I'm stuck down here, Southwest has some wildly cheap flights to Cleveland and I've always got the parent's house in Pgh as a place to stay...

Come on, give me a break...I'm stuck with SFA here. They might be trying but its never gonna be my home park.

I really should be working...
Hey Kruggie and others....we ought to keep this in mind for carpooling. I don't mind doing the driving, but its always nice to have company to keep me awake (my last trip there was a day trip from Pgh...its doable :) but gets a bit tough at 3am). I'm in need of some new CDs too I think...

I really should be working...
Note to those in New Castle: I'm in/near/around Sharon!

Swan Boats... I've only been to the Point 2x and each time it was a school trip... This Wednesday will be the first time I'll drive there... We are leaving early in the AM (2 1/2 hrs to get there (i hope))....

I'm excited! Can't wait! I'm hoping its not too crowded on Wednesday, with our WONDERFUL weather we've been having recently....

AIM: Pritti Kittie
You're from Sharon Jess? I'm in Sharpsville! That's really cool. I didn't realize so many people from around this area post here. Cool :)

At the turn of the Millennium, there were signs.
I'm more in Central PA -- Johnstown, to be exact. But I'm originally from Butler, north of Pittsburgh. My husband and I love to make the trek to CP as often as we can. We're been there twice already this season and are planning another trip next week.
Ride of Steel's avatar

Where did Brian Ondrey come from?!

Welcome to the Guide, ya nut.

Let's hear it for the New Castle people, woooooohoo! And stupid Shenango too, I guess. GO LANCERS!

Mine Ride '99 (RIDE MINE!)
Thunder Canyon '00 (TC2K 0\/\/Nx0rZ j00!)
Mine Ride ATL '01
Actually eggs.... I graduated from Sharpsville

AIM: Pritti Kittie
To heck with Swissvale! I shoot straight through mckeesport! via rte 30 baby! NOt that I am prone to following all traffic laws or anything...I do admit to a lead foot. It is getting scary there in Swissvale anyhow! (gangsters)..

Hey Wolfe! Do ya know where Stans Resturante is?
Well, anyhoo....I Grew up with the guy who owns the place's son....had many a party above the eatery...heh heeh...(thinking of a keg makes me giddy)

Carpool? I am in! I must find a way to hide the fact that I am going to the Point from my family!
they would be pissed! Hee hee (pissing off my hubby makes me giddy too.) lol

Feeling kruggie cause I'm not at the Point.
You're driving right by me....I lived on Ohio Avenue....the street Stan's is on
unless I am getting Stan's and somewhere else mixed but I do know Stan's. I also went to Serra Catholic up there too. Shoot, now I've got "Its a Small World" playing in my mind.

I really should be working... *** This post was edited by Wolfhounde on 6/5/2001. ***

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