Am I Alone In Liking DT ???

It's in a prime location for me.. hit space spiral, giant wheel, DT, then get some fudge. Everything I need to start the day off right. :) It is a shame to see anything wasted at CP, but honestly, with the number of people DT gets, I'm not surprised.

"single riders will be split in half"
I've always felt DT is a good family ride. It is fun to ride with friends. Whenever going through the spiral around the disco lights,I do the "YMCA" bit! Now whenever my friends hear the song,they think of DT!!
Even though I started a string a long time ago about DT and the mistake they made by covering it, I do like the ride. I think everyone here pretty much has the same view about it, its cheesy and its short. Two things would make this thing better IMHO, shut off all the lights, or open it up again. I personally liked it better as Avalanche Run.

Getting back to the point on 6/26
My friends and I just went up to Cedar Point. I told everyone we are headed to DT first. When we got off the ride we were laughing so hard because the ride didn't make any sense and when you hear the voice say " Were losing you!" Were losing you makes the ride funny and fun in my opion. DT is just a good ride. It is fun to have a themed ride at Cedar Point. And wasn't there two big robots that would talk to you in line before?
I love to take my little cousin on DT. She's so cute. Everytime we would get off she would jump up and down and yell "I wanna do it again!!" It's still a fun ride and a great way to get out of the heat without getting soaked!! :)

Welcome back Raptor riders, how was your flight?
Ok, Net..Most of us like DT, because its DT. I like it because Ive always been a fan of dark rides, it has NOTHING to do with CP. People like you kill me you want us to respect your opinion about what you like, but you insinuate we only like DT only because its at CP..whatever!
Word around the Space Spiral is that Disaster Transport will have a surprise for you guys next season. ;)

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
We're shipping it to Japan in hopes that they'll think it's Magnum? =)

I don't mind DT, never have. I just hate the wait it generates, which is far higher than its caliber would seem to reasonably draw.
I like DT too, you just have to pick the right time to ride so that you don't end up waiting a half hour or more to ride it. I ended waiting about 35 minutes or so at one time when around lunch, it was almost a walk-on. I do like it though, especially the pitch black spots.
Alot of people forget a 1 great thing about DT...

Its a bobsled coaster how many of those have you seen around.

In my oppinion DT is a classic.
Nick G... there is a reason you don't see many bobsled coasters around. Think about it.

If you like it fine, but a classic it is not. Let's not get crazy.
If all these people like DT it must be some great ride and it is.

I dont mind DT, really dont ride it that much, but I know there are people out there that like it, but in my own personal opinion, I wouldnt mind seeing it removed or placed elsewhere, and seeing them put a nice LIM launched coaster there, or leave DT and take out Splash and put a LIM launched there, in other words......CP NEEDS A LIM LAUNCH!
The more you ride it, the more you want it!

Im with net on this one. Its far from a great ride and if you think it is a great ride you need to have your head examined. They should rip it down and put something GOOD in its place.
Well, okay, DT is lame compared to the big coasters at CP - and, in my opinion, so is ID (my husband & I refer to ID as either "that waste of space" or "the p*ssy ride". However, if you think about it, if CP wants to attract all kinds of people & families, it needs to have some intermediate steps between the flat rides & the big coasters. And these "mild" coasters do make good training coasters for the youngsters. We haven't taken our son to CP yet, but we have taken him on other parks' "mild" coasters - eg, Big Thunder Mountain at Disney, & Zach's Zoomer & Mad Mouse at Michigan Adventure. We take him on those not so much because it's a big thrill for us, but because it's a good way to help him work up his "thrill tolerance". And it's fun to watch him on those rides - when you're 4 or 5, those are pretty big thrills! And, then, too, every once in awhile, we do like something smaller & calmer, like DT, like if we've just eaten or are tired, etc. There are times when I don't see the point of certain rides - but then I remember not everyone is like me, & CP is trying to be a "family park" with "something for everyone". If that's the market they want to appeal to, then I guess they'd better keep some "low thrills" coasters, much as we coaster lovers would prefer to replace them with "big thrills".

You can pick your friends & your nose, but you can't pick your seat on MF.
We refer to Iron Dragon as "Draggin' Iron"
Let's post a message for how many people hate DT. You'll see that it is not as popular as you think. The problem is the topic would be closed.

*** This post was edited by net on 6/15/2000. ***

Closed topic.

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