Am I Alone In Liking DT ???

for some reason i like disaster transport. i cant really explain why, maybe it is just the feel of hitting those small downhill runs in complete darkness, but its so fun to me. i also felt that it is a little better this year too. i just wish cedar point would be open to some suggestion because we could turn this into a park favorite. it definately has oppurtunity! or do i just like a piece of [NAUGHTY WORD!]??
raptor: 5
m force: 1
big stuffed animals won: 0
lets also discuss ways to make this a great ride here. one thing i think that would make it better would be like a narorator or something thats saying stuff as you go up the hill, like all systems go, blah blah, then at the top say something like, something not right here, awwwww!! yes no maybe, just tell me to shut up if i am being stupid and a pain, but do it nicely please. i have low self esteem :) :) haha!
Remember ALF ??
You're not alone. :) I've always liked this ride.
Also, look for my name painted on one of the "warehouse boxes."
I like DT, too....I've always like dark rides they are very fun. I think CP should re-install all of the special effects. EVERYTHING!
I love DT too, it is a grat ride to do after eating like ID.

14 and counting
See my Po!nt?
Next Cedar Point Trip: June/21 & 22/00
I like this ride too...its fun..allthough short...still an awesome ride

DT is a definate keeper. Of course, if they do the boardwalk project, I would like to see DT relocted because it blocks so much of the beach!

If it was just a little longer... it could be a really great ride. I like it myself - and for some reason even though I have been on it dozens of times, I always get a scared feeling when the guy says "I'm losing control!" ha ha seriously

Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 2
I am a fan of disaster transport also. But then I'm a coaster weirdo who took 5 rides on blue streak one day while only riding raptor once. So many people have a "coaster snob" attitude that it makes me sick at times. I only wish they brought back the theming. They spent $4mil on the themeing and to see it wasted is a killer.
I like Disaster Transport much better than Avalanche Run, but i DO NOT like the effects. I really think they need to get away from their attempt at realism (which obviously failed) and lean more toward the comedy that the themeing in the queue line follows. Make that guy who yells WE"RE OUT OF CONTROL (or whatever it is) a major part of the WHOLE ride. I'd like to hear him the entire time, he could be very funny!! Give the riders something to react to. And hire a Hollywood SFX artist to design the effects. DT can still be a winner. Even as it is, I think it should be kept. Not everyone wants contstant thrills all the time. I too, wish it were longer though -- would give it much more potential. *** This post was edited by CPAnimal on 6/13/2000. ***
I have defended DT for the whole winter. I just when and I have to say I am disappointed. Not in the ride but the props. I am going to sound like a lot of other people but the props are cheesey. Now if they got new ones, it would be cool but the ones they have are not so good. For example when you enter into the main room while ridding, there is a picture of a damaged space ship. The only problem is it is painted on something that looks like a sheet. Also instead of trying to hide lights they put them in plain view. The thing I do like is the queue line. I think they fixed it up nice. I also like how when you go up the lift and you are about to go into the first drop you hear, "Oh no Space Pirates." It seems like you are really trying to get away from them. I also noticed that on the first drop, it is totally dark, and the person that is talking is very quiet. I only heard "Oh no space pirates" and "We're going to crash"

Millennium Force Rids:1
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3
Gee, I never knew DT had so many loyal fans. I was going to trash the ride, because I think there are better ways for me to spend my time in the park. Guess I'll respect the loyal fans and wish you many rides this summer:)

You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)

DT is more of a beginer ride I think. It is something to start out w/ such as Iron Dragon. For us caoster buffs its nothing to impressive but still gives that nastalga of the first ride!
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)
Scooter, you don't have to trash the ride. There are enough 'animals' doing that on a daily basis. Just look at the baskets in the "repair bay" to see what I mean...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
I love the DT, it's a very unique ride, and I think it's a lot of fun.

Whats life if you never get to the point?
ya rideman, i know of the trash you speak of in the queues, i went to CP in may with 3 people that had never been there and one asked if the trash was supposed to be there, and i thought, ....... and i decided the best answer was no answer so i ignored him completely!

anyone been in the bathroom at midway market and seen the secret ladder that leads up to darkness? i think its where they are working on the new plans for cedar point? haha, what do you think
"generally, i used to dream of this place, now i ride it!"
Have any of you guys ever noticed that in the queue, when you get into that main place with the baskets circling around the top, you always skip the majority of the queue in that room because it isnt even a queue - there are dead ends in the posts, yet I just noticed that opening day this year - maybe they are trying to give you the feeling that you are not waiting as long as the maximum or something?? Or maybe they just put in the dead ends recently? Can someone help me out here?

Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 2
I thought they closed the queue because it would be hard for people to exit if ever a fire!!!:-P

MF rides:4
"Jesus will never let you go"
Bean Bag
I think DT's fun. It's not scary but it's an awesome time killer. I never ride it (mostly because it's location is far from any thing else we like to do) but when I do, it always gives my group a kick! :)
aIrtIme'S oVeRrAtEd...
If you like it fine, I just don't get it and never will. It's a nothing ride! Are you fans really loyal to DT, or is just the fact that it is at CP and you are supporting CP?

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