2004-TL Mean Streak
2003-ATL Mean Streak

2003 - Wicked Twister Crew
2004 - Wicked Twister Crew


2003 ~ Millennium and Dragster Photo
2004 ~ Wicked Twister Crew

RCFreak02 you have been *warned* ^__^ (what mistake?)

Also, I'm sure it the first RCFreak meanig Roller Coasters, and not Romote Controls...stupid little cars...

and Marc, at least I can still ride Wicked Twister :P

PTC '04
PT in '03 look for me at CP!
Area 3 Games, 2002
Still the weird guy from California
*** This post was edited by RCFreak 2/5/2004 3:28:53 AM ***

My AIM: MillenniumRideOp (notice the lack of spelling errors or numbers, thats the way I like it)

RCFrek02? all this time and I was talking to RCFreak02 and it wasn't you... I feel violated.

Eddy the retard is awesome.

TagYourIt486, IM me whenever i'm on, it's cool.


Bay City, MI

Power Tower *2004*
McDonalds 2001 - 2004
"I'm Lovin' It"

bholcomb's avatar
I spent weeks coming up with this original name..... BenHolcomb on AIM... If I don't reply right away, don't take it personally.. I probably just walked away from the comp :p

2004 Power Tower Crew


For the latest updated CP Assignments check out


Super Screw Crew 2003
Guest Services 2004

DareDevil 1914. I am also a first year and you can IM me whenever! I would love to chat with any of you.

Best Buy Front Lanes '01
Best Buy Front Lanes/Cst. Service '02
Best Buy Customer Service '03
Disaster Transport '04


Mean Streak '04

Aim name is FeelTheForce310

Mean Streak 2004
Soak City Wagons, Hofbrau 2003
MF, Soak City Wagons 2002
10/7/60-11/27/03 DAD R.I.P

Wow... I think i created a popular topic... :)
DJTheC's avatar
Stupid Punk C
Always on, with away messages.

00 - Kennywood - From Superminor to T-Mgr.
04 - Cedar Point - Millenium Force

man this sucks.. im stuck in the computer lab on campus cause my night class was sent home early cause of the winter storm but yet my boyfriend's night class isn't out early.. Anyone wanna chat on aim on my other s/n PSUchickette

'04 ATL Top Thrill Dragster
'03 WT crew/ATL Sky Ride
'02 WT crew

mine is crazycoasterkid2
Redtag on Wildcat 2003!
TL Wildcat 2004!!
Hey I'm not on a crew, but figured I would toss my name in here anyway. :) MagnumRider61

Final 2003 Stats: Trips: 37
Top Thrill Dragster: 17
Magnum XL-200: 85 (last train of the year in 6-1)

My AIM is dothedew83.

Six Flags Worlds of Adventure Ride Op. 2002-2003
Cedar Point Ride Operator 2003
Cedar Point Ride Operator 2004

IndyL3oy1982 is my AIM screen name...IM me to say Hi


'02 Power Tower Crew

'03 Millennium Force Crew

'04 TL Matterhorn Triangle

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