Everyone always asks me if I'd ever take Magnum off the top of my list. Everyone always asks me what kind of coaster it would take to top or tie Magnum. Millenium Force came close but becasue of the lack of airtime Magnum still held the top spot. The night of Coastermania I was with with another person who loves Magnum as much as I do in Jim Raimar. Then this ACEer comes up to us and tells us how much we would both love the new Superman up over at Six Flags New England. I knew that it was too far away for me to travel to. Once I heard some friends were making the trip I asked if I could go and it was a trip that has changed my view on coasters(both wood and steel), enthusiasts, amusement parks, and rides in general. This past Sunday I was able to ride Superman three times, and two of the times we waited two hours becuase of one train operation. I just have to say that this Superman is better than Millennium Force and currentlty is tied with Magnum as my favorite steel coaster. The airtime on S:ROS is ejector air on EVERY HILL. Its not questionable airtime its the airtime where you get thrown atleast 6 inches out of your seat no matter how far down your bar is. Magnum will always be very special to me, but S:ROS gives an equally awesome ride!
daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
I am so partial to CP that they could have the worst coaster in the world but in my eyes it would be gold. Any coaster I have ever ridden that is not at CP is like it is missing somthing. I cant disagree with you prefering S:ROS over MF becouse I have never ridden it, but S:ROS was not the first rollercoaster to extend past 300ft. And for that I will always love MF even when somthing better comes along, just like you and Magnum, it has it's place in all of our hearts so does MF to me.
14 and counting
See my Po!nt?
I am sorry but I just don't see how anything could be better than the force. Right now to a whole lot of people, it is number 1. When I rode Magnum right after, it was good but the first drop and the speed of Millennium Force was off the hook
Millennium Force Rides:2
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3
My friends agree with you, Dan......I dont think one person who has ridden SROS@SFNE has anything bad to say.
people...cp enthusiasts will always say "Force #1" but coaster enthusiasts like Dan,Jeff, some others and I love to see what else is out there...MF is a great Coaster and ONE of the tops in my books but keep in mind that theres competition everywhere in the industry and us fans are the benefactor of that dueling!! Great to hear you had a blast Dan...Heading for CA friday to do Six Flags Marine world, Paramounts Great America and hopfully Magic Mountain as well in LA....Report to come
new MF photos
*** This post was edited by Jeffrey Spartan on 7/11/2000. ***
Dan, I never would have thought a non-CP coaster would even be in your top 5!!! I've been told, however, when I take my trip across the pond to jolly old England next month, that a certain non-CP coaster or 2 may encroach my top list as well.
We'll see, though!
Pittsburgh, PA
MF Count 14 :)
Geeze, Dan, no airtime? How many times are you going to change your opinion, as many times as you change riding partners? ;) You weren't saying there was no airtime last time I rode with you.
I think that ranking coasters is generally just plain stupid, because they all have such different qualities (that and coaster "enthusiasts" seem to have only one criteria to judge: airtime).
If I had to ride only one more coaster at Cedar Point ever, it would be Millennium Force, no hesitation.
Still, I don't doubt that Superman at SFNE is a better ride. Think about it... take the Intamin engineering and design elements from MF and apply it to a Magnum-esque ride and what are you going to get?
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35
I agree Jeff. I personally do not place emphasis on airtime, thats why I would rank MillenniumForce high in *MY* book. But, unfortunately, airtime has become the prerequisite for hyper coaster in many minds.
I judge most coaster on how much fun I had on them. Mf is up there along with Raptor, Mantis, and Magnum. Every coaster provides a different ride and that is what makes each and every ride different from the last. I have rode some other coaster other than at CP, and they were just as fun, so some of them are up there pretty high. MF will probably be always me favorite, because it took me out of my little roller coaster fear. Before MF I was always a little nervous before I got on a coaster, now I'm not.
My criteria for the "best" rollercoaster has been overall ride experience, architecture (supports, track construction, color scheme), site selection, train design and effects. While MF is truly a world-class ride, Magnum still beats out in almost every category. Nothing beats that view from the top, the classic slow click of the lift-hill with time to take in the view...and that wonderful airtime on hill three (pure bliss). The only thing if feel MF has an advantage over Magnum is smoothness. But this is not enough to put it over the top. I'd be really interested to give SROS a try myself. But I'm venturing to say that it's location would be far bested by Magnum's on Lake Erie.
I say MF has more airtime than Magnum, smoother, better looking ride and trains, and frankly more exciting. In my book, MF is better.
FireDragon -- "unfortunately, airtime has become the prerequisite for hyper coaster in many minds"
Well, that's because some of us are airtime nuts. I WANT to be thrown from my seat (ok, not LITERALLY, that'd ruin the rest of my day real quick). The more air a coaster gives me, the more I like it.
Millennium Force is a great ride, but if I get up to Six Flags NE, I fully expect to find S:ROS to be a better ride TO ME.
MF count: 4
If you've ever been on Screechin' Eagle that has to be the airtime king of coasters!! But it still isn't a very good ride. Many rough spotsand painful lapbars. It doesn't get very many positive reviews!! Even if it does give the most airtime on any coaster. This proves that a coaster with airtime doesn't necessarily (sp?) make it an awesome ride. It just improves it a little on some rides.
Raptor '00 Count: 40
By king do you mean most negative Gs or most overall float time?
I disagree Jeff. I think you can compare the roller coaster on the expirience. With me, I don't just jugde the drop and say, "Oh this coaster is better." Its more about when I get off the ride, did I have a better time on this or that. Would I want to ride this again or that again as my last ride.
Millennium Force Rides:2
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3
Well let me clear up a few things. I guess my first post was a clear as mud. MF is a great great great ride, like Magnum it will always be my baby just becasuse I have seen it grow from day one. Everyone knows my thoughts on Magnum but S:ROS is a very special ride in its own right. Yes Jeff the air on the Force has been getting better but you have to remember that I'm an airtime whore.
I also agree that ranking coasters is impossible, not matter if you have been on 89 coasters or 299 coasters, if you ask me what my favorite hyper or inverted is I can tell you but to have a top ten, twenty or even five list is too hard because of all of the great coasters that are out there.
Each Magnum, MF and Superman:ROS are very special rides. If I had one last coaster to ride ever it would be a toss up between Magnum and MF.
daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Magnum2G3 said: "I think you can compare the roller coaster on the expirience."
The reason I disagree is that the experience on the vast majority of rides is generally too brief. For example, my ranked list would be heavily weighted to Cedar Point coasters because I could pretty draw every layout and tell you where the supports are. A ride like Alpengeist is probably better than Raptor, but two versus a hundred laps makes me infinitely more familiar with one of them.
Of course, every once in awhile you find that you like one better than its counterpart at the home park [cough]Apollo's Chariot[cough].
Dan might be an airtime whore, but I'm a coaster whore in a general kind of way.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35
Magnum XL-200 is my favorite ride and It's hard to believe that a ride will be built that I will like more. In my opinion MF has is great fot the first hill untill the first tunnel. Magnum is great fun the whole way except sometimes, in the ejector seat, when the camelbacks get boring.
Live for FUN!
*** This post was edited by MagnumFAN on 7/12/2000. ***
am i the only one who floated out of my seat on the lagoon hills for a good 5 seconds????????
3 Force rides:
3-2, 5-1, 9-2
I did on the 1st hill on the island best second hill around but in no way can Magnum compare to MF its a GREAT...GREAT ride but not the best I LOVE hight on coasters and this is the highest (at least til Steel Dragon)