A sad day for cedarpointers!

You really think we're going to believe what you say about this "inside info?"  If you did have inside connections, after you blurted out what you say you were told, (and over the internet of all places), you won't have those connections for very much longer!  Remember what they say about those who know...

And if you want to "cash in" your season pass, more power to you.  Just don't expect much sympathy around here.


Gonzo said:
Stupid People Shouldn't Breath...
- VertiCord Crew 2001

Um... breathe maybe?


As far as I know,there are more things to worry about than wether or not Cedar Point gets a new ride or does Park improvements-aka the war that is going on right now.If they want to wait for another year to get a new ride it's thier business.If you have ever been up to Michigan's Adventure(I'm assuming that is the park that is being talked about-ME)-it's a park with one heck of a good rollercoaster-and a heck of a lot of potential.So,if they want to put thier money into ME for park improvements and then MAKE MONEY off of it and put that into a HUGE RIDE at CEDAR POINT then I say let them.Mr.Kinczel knows exactly what he's doing and I highly doubt that he is running Cedar Point into the ground.
As for the boardwalk thing...if it was cancelled why did they move the Giant Wheel over there?I also think an Intamin Shuttle would be great...especially one that goes all the way around the park-older folks and people who have a hard time walking and who would like to enjoy the park need something like that-I think everyone would enjoy it.I also know that there are going to be atleast two coasters built for next year.Reason is:they have to keep up with the park in California-Six Flags (what is it-there are too dang many of those parks)Magic Mountain I believe. All I know is it's the park that is competing with Cedar Point for total number of coasters.(like I said in the previous post there are too many things to pay attention to pther than number of coasters.)
I don't mind that Disney doesn't have any coasters, it's the fact that they haven't kept the pace, and many of their attractions are dated and I'm sick of the "Let's put another 3-D show in and call it something else.  The public will think it's a completely new attraction!" attitude.  Don't get me started with taking out Mr. Toad's Wild Ride for Winnie the Pooh!!! That ride sucks.  I even gave it a chance.  Can you tell I'm a frustrated Disney fan?  I want to like them, but lately they have been nothing but dissappointment.

P.S.  Disney plans on closing more of their attractions in the future.

MF...taking thrills to new heights!

Jeff's avatar
One less freakshow in line in front of me on the beach for the new...

You can call a boardwalk whatever you want. Since there won't actually ever be a wood boardwalk there (that's expensive), let's just call it "waterfront development." It already started with Giant Wheel. Those of us who stay in the resorts every year have an appreciation for that beach, next year we all will when there's more to it than Giant Wheel.

Two things for you... here's the Oceana site (with aquarium in the foreground), 1975. That's the old Wildcat you're looking at there. Here's another view.

Now... remove those buildings and put something there that doesn't excessively obstruct your view (we hope). Sure makes for a nice atmosphere down there, don't you think?

Rest assured... that part of the park will never look the same, though they better save the giant trees on that midway or I will be super pissed.

Watch my grass grow: http://www.sillynonsense.com/subdivision/

Um... Disney has coasters. Space Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain, Rock'n Roller Coaster.

The Pooh ride may not be exciting, but it's the most imaginative ride I've seen in a long time.

Also, Disney doesn't have any plans for attractions to close in the near future other than Journey into your Imagination, which was a total flop. It's being revamped as Journey into Figment's Imagination since so many people complained about Figment disappearing.

By the way, to the person who started this thread. You're stupid. If you're going to return your season pass because you don't like the new ride that hasn't been announced yet, you don't deserve to continue "breathing" as gonzo would have said up there...


A sad day for Cedar Pointers indeed.... that such an idiot would post such nonsense like this.

If you do return your season pass, at least give the money to the Red Cross. They need money more than you do. (narrow minded freak)

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"This is a phase blaster. It has two settings: stun, and kill. It would be best not to confuse them."

Quit dissing on CP Larry! It's the best park on Earth.....who cares if they got something you don't like...at least it's something....and many other people will enjoy it........
I didn't say Disney did not have coasters.  I said that coasters don't play an important role in Disney as a whole.  But more to the point:  If a coaster is the only thing that makes or breaks the success of a park from year to year, in your mind, then you will be disappointed more often than not.

There are thousands of people every day that go to Cedar Point and never get in line for a rollercoaster.  I would guess at least 25% of the total attendance, probably more.  People told Walt Disney that if he didn't put in a rollercoaster or a ferris wheel Disneyland would be bust.

Yeah, that Disney...all he did was build the most recognizable company in the world and revitalize the entire amusement park business when it was on the verge of collapse.  What was he thinking? 

yes, but have they maintained it?  the Magic Kingdom is SO dated! 
MF...taking thrills to new heights!
If CP builds it they will come...... I can almost bet my money on it that Larry will too.

I have no idea what Cedar Point is getting next year, but I am not worried because the only ride I have been terribly dissapointed with at Cedar Point is the ride home.

Hmmm...maybe this is actually an appropriate time to not feed the trolls! :)
Quite frankly, after being a CP attendee for since 1966, I think they've done quite well for themselves. I don't care if they don't add coasters every year, or every other year. It will always be my favorite park. And being a Michigander, I certainly won't kick if they put money into Michigan's Adventure. My season pass works at both parks.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Who is this idiot?   Great, "cash in your pass" dude, one less person to have to wait behind in line!
Just because Larry's attitude is vitriolic doesn't his opinion idiotic or his information erroneous (not that I agree with his opinions or attitude).

Larry E. Wasserman said:
Well cedarpoint plans are finialized! There getting a intimin shuttle on the beach.The Boardwalk project is DEAD!!!! They cancelled The B&M,HYpersonic,and the classic woodie!I'm going up saturday to cash in my season pass! this is the last year for me!I'm tired of cedarpoint running their park in the ground! I won't support it!

Hey man... Get a grip.  The economy is slow.  Besides, the shuttel will be 500' tall.  Also, the other stuff has only been speculation and CF is far from runnign CP into the ground.  You want to talk about running into the ground, look at was X has done to SFMM.

Mr. Wasserman might need to have his mommy drive him to Cedar Point to cash in his season pass.  The way Mr. Wasserman spells, it looks like he might be in the third grade. 
go on cash in your pass we don't care it more time to ride for us and if you turn out to be wrong we will be laughing  not to name names but coughquantomforcecaugh stated that they would be gitting a pipe line and does not look like it >and if your going to be an idot about this stop waist jeffs money and bandwidth go post at coasterbuzz  lol bob
----------------- welcome to millennium force please step into the train please secur all loose articals cedar point is not responsible for anything lost or damaged thank you and enjoy your record breaking ride on millennium force *clear*P>
*** This post was edited by crashoverride on 10/18/2001. ***

*** This post was edited by crashoverride on 10/18/2001. ***

and if your going to be an idot about this stop waist jeffs money and bandwidth go post at coasterbuzz
welcome to millennium force please step into the train please secur all loose articals cedar point is not responsible for anything lost or damaged thank you and enjoy your record breaking ride on millennium force *clear*

*** This post was edited by crashoverride on 10/18/2001. ***

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