916 Tech Services Tech

I'm starting to see all sort of posts about people being contacted & interviewed. I applied for that job as my first choice, and it says that it was reviewed as of the 20th of January. I applied as a ride host as my second choice, but my second nor third choice have been reviewed yet. Just wondering if anyone has any clue when to expect anything, and if anyone else who has selected my job has heard back anything. Sorry, just a bit nervous, because I'm really looking forward to working up there here in a few months

Thanks everyone!

I would be nervous too but just be patient and watch your status from Cedar Point's website. I applied on Christmas Eve and got my email last week to set up an interview. From what I understand, things are very hectic at this time of the year for the people who do the hiring. So I would wait another week or so before doing any kind of follow up. Don't worry, I'm sure you're going to be contacted one way or another. Good luck to you and hopefully see you at The Point this summer

Erin166's avatar

does you app say who it was reviewed by? if there is a name and a date, then that department staked claim on your app

2010: Top Thrill Dragster Crew
2011: Top Thrill Dragster Crew

The website says:

Your application is currently on review by our hiring managers for the job choices that you indicated.
Your application was reviewed by: John Lyle (Live Entertainment) on 01/20/2011

That was the only job choice out of the three I selected that I wanted to work that seemed to display that it had been reviewed. I even looked at my contact information to make sure everything was correct & verified :P...Well, I guess it's time to just sit back and be patient. I am a little bit anxious and nervous, this being the possible first year of working up at The Point. Now other people are being selected for ride hosts, ect. My other two jobs haven't been touched and I know my second choice was a ride host. Should I be worried that those jobs aren't being reviewed?

One other question, on the website it doesn't even list what the job truly performs. I figured that being something in Tech Services it would deal with some sort of IT/technical job. Does anyone have any insight into this position?

Thanks again, I know I'm new here and mostly everyone here is ready to go back to work in the summer. I hope I see you all here in a few months, it will definitely be an epic win. Thanks TwistedWicker777, good luck to you too. On the last note for now, good luck to everyone who applied.

Last edited by TheDevarious,
Erin166's avatar

every department is different when it comes to hiring people for the upcoming season. but generally whoever gets to your app first is the only person who reviews it. if you aren't contacted by march 1st, e-mail the person who reviewed it.

the only thing that i know that tech services does is the music in the queues and on the midway...and turn on the lights on the rides

2010: Top Thrill Dragster Crew
2011: Top Thrill Dragster Crew

I see, so like I figured, it's time to play the waiting game. Also I would assume that tech services does more than that, considering it says special skills are required. That being said, turning on lights and music isn't really a special skill, or at least I would imagine :P

99er's avatar

The only part they play is switching over the music from the park soundtrack to the FZ soundtrack. Hardly a big part. All lighting and fog is overseen by Live Entertainment.

Tech Services is responsible for all park speakers and A/V equipment, outside of the theaters. This includes hand mics on the rides, midway speakers, security cameras, tvs/monitors, hand held radios, etc. They make repairs to these items in house, that is where the special skills comes in to play. So like I said, A/V stuff.

As for them turning the lights on for the rides, pretty sure that is incorrect. I could be wrong but I don't understand why they would. I would hope that most ride lighting is on a timer and those that are not have on/off at the control panel. Plus lighting should fall under the Electricians not the A/V Club.

Last edited by 99er,

Now I'm excited, they need to call me ASAP because that sounds like something I really want to to do for the summer. Ugh this waiting game is killing me haha, oh well, just a few more weeks of waiting I guess, thanks again everyone, this is all incredibly helpful

As a former Tech Services tech, 99er is correct....

You handle park audio, CCTV, ride audio, and some convention setups.

John Lyle is the manager for tech services (or was when I was there)

You do NOT deal with lights in any way.

Was for sure one of my favorite jobs at CP...

Last edited by wwrgsww,

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