6/15: Sun ---> Storms

To get some relief from my last day of finals I went down to CP with a few friends, some from GTTP.

Got to the park at about 12:15 *pm* - I finally redeemed my season pass (didn't have time opening day) and then we were off to Raptor. Unfortunately, right when we entered the park the Raptor train got stuck on the lift. It didn't take to long to get the train going, but after sending a few empty trains out they decided to close it down for a while. So we hit Blue Streak, which BTW is a lot better this year. They must have done a great job retracking it and the new restraints were good.

Following BS we hit MF - 50 minute wait to get to the station, then we waited about 40 MINUTES for the front. A long time to wait, but it was definitely worth it. I'm glad they had all 3 trains running all day.

We then headed back to Mine Ride - by this time it was about 3pm. Ah, Mine Ride, fun times. Finally met Natalie (Ride of Steel) in the station (Mine Ride RULES!!). Talk about hustling on the platform! We rode MR twice, and were, to say the least, a little enthusiastic when we got back to the station.

Hit Mean Streak next... highlight was a hilarious on-ride photo looking over the park map (got the idea from Jo and Hooper). I tried the same thing on MF but we were going so fast that I couldn't get the darn map open!

Next came Magnum - great ride in the ejector seat, although it seemed like the lap bars in the black train were a little screwed up (they wouldn't stay up). Maggie was followed by Gemini, then Mine Ride again.

Got another Force ride after that... noticed some "pricketry on the platform" - the ride host wouldn't let us sit in 5-1, instead he forced us to the second row. I've never had that happen before. Nonetheless, another good ride.

Headed up to DT... man was it hot. I guess the A/C wasn't working until 6:30pm - I really feel bad for the ride hosts. Actually had a great ride on DT, seemed like there were some new strobe effects...

When we came into DT, there were blue skies, and it was blazing hot. When we came out - black skies, windy, and chilly. Tried to get on Raptor but it was closed already. Ran back to Banshee because it was still running. On the way, it went from drizzle to absolute downpour. They ran a few trains on Banshee in the pouring rain, but then the lightning came and everything was closed down. Waited in the Banshee station for an hour, but didn't open, so we left. Still, it was a fun day, with some great rides.

Steuks!! *** This post was edited by Majin Heero on 6/16/2001. ***
FOr the last time people.. Trains do NOT get stuck on lifts.. they are stopped for safety reasons..

They may not start up but they are not STUCK as you put it..

MF 2000 - 269 laps
MF 2001 - 73 laps as of (6/9/01)
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
Sorry Rob, makes sense.

Hehehehe.. it's not problem.. just got into an argumen tat the park the other day about this subject.. hehehe

MF 2000 - 269 laps
MF 2001 - 73 laps as of (6/9/01)
June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Majin..why did you get to the park at 12:15am..I've heard of early arrivals but thats crazy :)

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Ha ha ha Jeffrey... I just had to be the first person into the Season Pass Center when it opened ;)

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