20th anniversary of Magnum's announcement coming up.

It's nearly been twenty years since the name "Magnum XL-200" became part of of lives. Back then if someone said the word Magnum the Tom Selleck television show came to mind of the old Dirty Harry movie.

I remember where I was when I fisrt learned of the coming ride. I was at Frisch's Big Boy in Port Clinton with my aunts when I got one of the local papers to read and there it was. The stats of the ride really didn't register with me that much of than it was going to be over 200 feet. I was just thrilled that they were adding a new coaster. A few weeks later I went to the park and saw the sign near Gulliver's Grill announcing the new ride. It was the first time I had visited an amusement park when I knew what the new ride was.

The excitement of the ride led me to experience "roller coaster fever" like I had never experienced before. I joined ACE and bought as many old isuues of roller coaster magazine that I could afford and had planned to go to the park opening weekend but a major sinus headache prevented me from doing so. But I remember all of the media hype suurounding the ride. All of the local papers had articles and the USA Today had the Magnum as its lead story in the life section which I still have. Today its old hat for CP to get national attention but in 1989 not so much. .

I finally rode it during Magnum Mania on June 2nd and it was the greatest coaster I had ever experienced I rode it 12 times that day. A few weeks later there was a show on PBS with a segment of the coasters of northern Ohio and showed snippets of of the program in the ballroom during Magnum Mania.

I hope the park does up the 20th anniversary with signs and special souvenirs next season. Kings Island always did well celebrating anniversaries of the Beast maybe the Magnum can follow suit.

The Beast will be 30 next year by the way.

OKSIRYDOC's avatar

Wow 20 years it's getting old, I think they should repaint it for the 20 year anniversary.

cedarpointlover's avatar

It was just repainted back in 2005...


ChrisC.'s avatar

If anything needs repainted it would be Millennium Force.

OKSIRYDOC's avatar

Oh well, sorry still something big should be done, not sure what though.

tedfuzz's avatar

^^ I agree. Millennium is starting to get really faded and even some of the faded paint is chipping away.

TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
Cedar Point - America's Roller Coast!
Ron Paul 2008/2012!

CP08's avatar

Not only Millennium is chipping, but have you noticed that while going back down to tower of Dragster how faded it is and not what it used to be with the bright red and white. Now it's like maroon and white/grey

quote from Mean Streak operator, "Welcome to Mean Streak. It's so mean it'll rip the heads off your Barbie dolls and steal your lunch money!!!"

Yes, TTD has definitely faded.

OKSIRYDOC's avatar

Yeah, eventually top thrill dragster will be pink and white.

TTD 120mph's avatar

I've mentioned this in another topic a while back, but keep an eye on Millennium and Dragster in regards to repainting. Already this year they've repainted Dragster launch and brake supports (only to a certian point though). And it looks as though they're preparing for Millenniums repainting. So just keep an eye out.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Loopy's avatar

Back to Maggie....I'm still salty that they took the ride night away next month.

I doubt anything more than Gemini's 30th will be done for Maggie's 20th.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

I'm a little bitter about that too. :(

I probably wouldn't have even known had someone not mentioned it to me. I already had August 25th on my calendar as a day off. We'll have to see what happens now. I might not go. Teach them a lesson. ;)


ChrisC.'s avatar

TTD 120mph said:
I've mentioned this in another topic a while back, but keep an eye on Millennium and Dragster in regards to repainting. Already this year they've repainted Dragster launch and brake supports (only to a certian point though). And it looks as though they're preparing for Millenniums repainting. So just keep an eye out.

Oh man, I hope your right. Millennium looks terrible now. But what do you expect being so close to the lake.

I still remember receiving the announcement in the mail. Not sure why I was on the mailing list. When I was just a little guy I use to mail Cedar Point ride suggestions (god were they bad) and I must of got placed on their mailing list. I think I still have it somewhere and am trying to find it. It was a few pages long and came in a regular envelope. I remember thinking "ummm...no way I'm going on that thing". I was a 6th grader and loved CP, just still had a little chicken in me.

It you notice, maxair has the same blue/purple paint as Millennium. Maxair is also in need of a paint job, as it looks just like Millie with the blotched and faded paint spots on it's supports. If they repaint Millie, might as well head on over to Maxair and touch it up. :)

Force00's avatar

Yeah MaXair look's like it's already getting a touch up at least to where the orange paint stops.

Coaster H.Q: 2007-2012

Daniel Smith's avatar

I hope MF gets a new paint job, it looks horrible. It would be nice to see Magnum to get some kind of special souvenirs, for its birthday.

Quote from a Corkscrew ride op, "And Dragster is down again"

Maybe we'll see more T-Shirts made in Honor Of Magnum XL 200s Birthday!

Or maybe the entrance sign that Maggie deserves! :)


I really don't think MF is that bad. I think TTD looks worse.

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