2009 ERT / Platinum Pass information


This looks to be the line-up for ERT this year.....

  • Maverick
  • Millennium Force
  • Iron Dragon
  • Raptor
  • Planet Snoopy
CP also is offering more discounts for platinum pass holders on hotels, and other stuff.

I would say that that is a fairly solid line up. As you can probably guess, I am happy with it because Maverick is up there. I'm also very excited because my two other favorite rides at the park are up there as well(Millie and Raptor). I'm sure I will switch back and forth between which ones I hit when I'm up there.


Hoping to one day build these great machines that we affectionatly call "Coasters"

mermaidsair's avatar

This is similar to last year but I think Sky Hawk was included too.

I'm going out to get some air.

Yeah they dropped Skyhawk from ERT.

To be fair, Skyhawk was almost always a walk on during ERT. Everyone went to Maverick really.

TTD 120mph's avatar

I personally loved that part. Skyhawk morning marathons were one of the things that made me love the ride.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

I found Skyhawk to be a low wait ride. It was like Maxair, or Wicked Twister.

I've been in the park numerous times when we timed things right, and WT, Maxair, and Skyhawk have been walk-ons or one ride cycle wait.

So I like to try and focus my attention on one big ride like Raptor, or Maverick. Those both can get a little backlog if enough people are in the park.

Millennium Force has been a little less busy last summer in general, and Magnum is becoming a near walk on during many trips.

Prioritize the rides by the length of wait you will hope to have.

I give CP kudos for throwing in some sort of discounts on multiple dates for their on-peninsula hotel properties. Although if I am not mistaken I am spending $10 more per platinum pass this year... meh

Last edited by factory81,
maverick_owns's avatar

TTD 120mph said:
I personally loved that part. Skyhawk morning marathons were one of the things that made me love the ride.

oh yes, skyhawk marathons were the best!

ask me for my facebook.

maverick_owns's avatar

The really need to put TTD on the ERT list. Then, Adam will be happy in all sorts of places ;)

ask me for my facebook.

Force00's avatar

The reason they don't have TTD on in the morning is it takes too long to warm up. I always see them starting the day with the cars only 1/3 full, and even then it somethimes rolls back. This is just my understanding, I'll leave it to Adam to clarify it.

Coaster H.Q: 2007-2012

TTD 120mph's avatar

You pretty much have the gist of it. From what I've heard (and anyone can correct me on this) Dragster's crew get in slightly earlier than others and even that isn't enough to get the system up and running in time for ERT. Dragster will never be on the ert list. But that doesn't bother me because I don't mind waiting that extra half hour for first rider.;) In fact the only ert it'll ever get is on the special days and coastermania.

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Like anyone would question Adam anyway but I thought I would just agree with him. :) Last summer my buddy and I made friends with the TTD crew on one of my trips up there. We ended up going out to BW3's after they got off one night and they were telling us how they had to get to the park around 8am the next morning to get started on the ride for the next day. I found that very interesting.


Hoping to one day build these great machines that we affectionatly call "Coasters"

maverick_owns's avatar

^its cos Adam is God about knowing all that is TTD!

ask me for my facebook.

I know. That is why I started it with "Like anyone would question Adam anyway". That statement included me and should not be read sarcastically.


Hoping to one day build these great machines that we affectionatly call "Coasters"

maverick_owns's avatar

Maverickfanatic07 said:
I know. That is why I started it with "Like anyone would question Adam anyway". That statement included me and should not be read sarcastically.


Haha, so true.

ask me for my facebook.

TTD 120mph's avatar

Hahaha, you flatter me.XD

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

mermaidsair's avatar

I always did Maverick for ERT but with the location of Skyhawk is was great to do a walk on of that right afterward.

I'm going out to get some air.

Dvo's avatar

Yeah I usually hit a few rides on Millie and then walked on Skyhawk a few times during ERT before getting in line for Maverick to close it out. I loved having Skyhawk in there, but Raptor will be a nice addition. If only it wasn't so far from everything else...

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

I see there are no details really laid out for other discounts? Like last year we had a pdf or...flyer that entertained you with all the benefits of the Point Perks program.

^^^ They had Raptor as ERT last year. Last years ERT was Raptor, Skyhawk, Maverick, Mforce, and I htink childrens area.

Last edited by factory81,
mermaidsair's avatar

I think I remember Raptor being on the list last year too. Looks like they actually took one ride away (Skyhawk) without an addition.

I'm going out to get some air.

pointperson's avatar

^^I got my platinum pass yesterday at geauga lake during the Tradewinds Sale. The employee said that we should recieve the discount sheet(s) in the mail in a few days because they were not back from the printshop yet. I would assume CP is the same.

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