I don't know if CP shortened the July/August Saturday closings with the employees in mind or not, but I know I'll definetly appreciate it this year :)
Group Sales ATL '01
Group Sales TL '02
'03 -- TBA
"The greatest leaders don't take credit for their actions; they don't have to."
House of Tomorrow: Only technology makes live worth living
Lee- You're right about Halloweekends, but I think most of us would agree that being opened until midnight when the park opens later in the afternoon the next day is much easier than it is mid-season. Also, after having the better part of the week off (for those of us who happen to have that luxury) it's a nice switch to actually be working...no matter what the hours are.
2001 - Admissions Host/Resort Gate
2002 - Admissions Host/ATL Resort Gate
2003 - ????
Now I have an endless supply of lortabs that kill hangovers and valium that is really nice!
If people are able to get drunk every night and still make it to work on time the next day, more power to them, but I know I'm not able to pull it off!
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