1st trip of 2010-05-31-10

LuvRaptor's avatar

Left Columbus at 6am and decided for a change of scenery (and since hubby couldnt go and I wouldnt have to listen to him complain how boring this ride is) I would take the 270, 23, 98 to 4 route. Shortly after getting on 98, regretted that decision. Apparently a semi had lost tons of his retread all down the road for miles, and you had to dodge some HUGE pieces. The road was pretty bad for most of the route, and that construction that was going on last year (and the year before?) in Bucyrus is still going on. Luckelly I knew how to sneak around it without following their (go 10 miles out of your way) detour. Despite all that I was pretty excited about my 1st visit to CP this season. Normally I'd have 5 or 6 visits under my belt but I had been in California for most of May so no CP 4 me.

Arrived at the Point in plenty of time for the National Anthem. Off to Raptor I went. I managed 10 rides before park opened to GP. I made Raptor buttons for the crew and was estatic to see them wearing them. Instead of going thru every single ride I rode it might be easier to list what I didnt ride! Most of the rides had a 15 minute wait, the longest wait of my day would be for MF which was 25 minutes. I opted out of Maverick (45 minutes) but everything else was walk on heaven.
When I wasnt riding I was just walking around the park enjoying the sights and sounds again, I really had forgotten how much I loved and missed the park till then.
I took a peek at STR and really liked the way it blended right in with Frontiertown. Of course hated seeing all the missing trees. Considering it was 86 degrees and a million degrees humidity, I suspect it would have been a very busy ride! Many hot days ahead so I am sure STRs will get is share of riders.
Hooked up with my friend Millennium Tony for a bit before decided to head out. It looked like a storm was heading CP way and I wanted to beat it home. Took 250 to 71s home, tons of traffic but all going 75-80mph so wasnt too bad. TONS of State Highway Patrol....you always knew when they were ahead when you saw all the brake lights :)

I made the dire mistake of drinking a Dew and some 14 hour energy stuff (yes, I said 14 hour) before I left park, so I was wide awake for trip home, and unfortunitely till like 3am for me :)

All in all a great 1st trip to CP day for me. I got to ride my big green baby again, saw tons of my CP friends, crowds were light and the rain held off long enough to take in the whole park. Park was spotless and everyone was having a great time!

Get to go back Friday and Saturday for CoasterMania!! Life is good!! :)

Btw-the new female uniforms are the ugliest things I have EVER seen!! What is this the 80's? :(

Lifetime Raptor flights: 2185 :)

It's all about getting around the barrels, or over the fences, right leads, no faults, fastest time and looking pretty when done. What's so hard about that?

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