Disney Quest / M Force


I know this is Cedar point and not Disney but there is a point here before you tear my head off.

I was at Disney Quest about a week ago and for those of you who have never been there it is a 5 story virtual reality building. One of the rides/events their is a machine that lets you design your own coaster and then ride it.

So i like any CP fan, decided why not make the MForce. Though the max speed can only reach 70mphs on the ride it still was something fun.

Since last year working 4 months of the season i didnt get to ride a single ride till i came back on bonus weekends (not to work, to actually ride) This may be my only experience of riding the MF.

Oh and off the subject i flew out of Orlando and flew over disney, had a layover in Cincy where we cirlced Kings Island, and on my way in to cleveland had to circle the NW part of the state while waiting our turn to land so we could see CP on that trip. so in one day i saw 3 parks.


Thanx man I am going to Disney Land and Orlando Studios in Sept. (Oh gods of Cedar Point Forgive me)

...We hope you have a great day here at Cedar Point America's Rockin' Roller Coast


You should check it out. Its in down town disney by pleasure island and planet hollywood. Great places to go for a night life.


And make sure you catch Islands of Adventure, you can read my TR over at coasterbuzz. Truely one of the best parks in the world.

(And just to prove I am completly anal Disneyland is in CA, Walt Disney World is in FL and I think you probaly meant Universal Studios or Disney MGM studios not Orlando Studios)
If you have any Orlando questions feel free to e-mail me. *** This post was edited by JeremyG on 2/22/00. ***


My wife and I went to WDW last may and I absolutely had to go to Disneyquest so I could build and ride my own coaster. It was a really cool ride, I ended up doing it 3 times each time trying to make my coaster more extreme. I would definetly reccommend this to all you coaster freaks.

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