Nice! Gotta admit I'm a bit excited to ride a carousel for the first time in a while. One of the comments mentioned doing that to Cedar Downs, that would be an experience.
I rode it last night; it was an "odd" sensation. The best part, IMO, was the adjusted music coming from the band organ, which included "out of tune" versions of Thriller and other songs.
Nice. I was hoping that weird music was really a thing and not just something inserted into the video.
Promoter of fog.
Last ride of the day for my daughter and me for many years now has been the Midway Carousel. Not sure if we would start our day on it if its running backwards?
The music isn't backwards? Lame. 😆
Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnelsâ„¢ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music
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