Sandusky City Commission Meeting - Cedar Fair Agreement


Jeff's avatar

I live in Orlando, and any whine about tourists is cute. The truth is, here in Central Florida, we're glad to have the bodies back in town to help along our taxes, especially for the county and school district. It's not that big of a deal, and even better, I don't have to pay local or state income taxes.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music



Pulled up this old post because I thought I remembered something about the new causeway power lines being buried and wanted to check.

It looked like someone hit one of the causeway poles today. It was still standing, but the pole was splintered and didn't look too stable, they had some cones and the light arrows up to redirect traffic into one lane for each direction.

Edit: There's a new post up already, that was quick.

Last edited by Hudson,


Im blown away that they're expanding the causeway without instead doing a mass transit addition.

Adding a light rail/monorail makes an incredible amount of sense



djDaemon's avatar

Is there data to support that? It seems like mass transit isn't a good fit for a city that sees primarily seasonal popularity with a significant chunk of that coming from 2+ hours away.




I guess I was speaking more towards JUST the causeway.

Adding a light rail to the causeway and beach.

I feel like it would be great for the park, maybe even add to the experience for some. It would be a huge perk to the resorts just off the causeway as there could be stops.

It would also benefit the locals who could take it to the beach or marina.

Juat my 2 cents. No data to support it, but it seems to make sense logistically. It could also free up some parking lot space for future expansion.

Last edited by NextGen89,


The last thing I want to do is have to park on the mainland and take some sort of transport vehicle to the park. Magic Kingdom is an incredible hassle because of that.



Gosh, no love for the Cedar Point Ferry?
When it was in operation many employees and townies took the boat to the park. Even other regular customers would park at the dock, take the ferry to and from the park, and avoid the CP parking lot altogether.
It was also nice for employees who lived in the dorms to use for trips in town- it was free with your ID. On days off you could go to the bank, shop, get a haircut, or see a movie.
Or drink.
Anyway, an auxiliary parking lot and a scenic boat ride across the bay might be a fun thing to reconsider.



Rusty's avatar

Not a bad idea in theory, but I don't know where you are going to put that much extra parking in downtown Sandusky. And I may get some flak for this sentiment, but I don't particularly want to have to compete for parking spaces with park-goers when I am simply trying to enjoy a show or have a drink in our wonderful downtown area.

Proud to have fathered a second generation coaster enthusiast destined to keep me young at heart and riding coasters with a willing partner into my golden years!


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