I was there last week and it was the same system and yes they were filling the post-merge tunnel. As a FL user myself, while waiting to get to the post merge tunnel I didn't like the looks of that either. I was pleasantly surprised though that the wait through the whole tunnel was only 3-4 minutes. I'm pretty sure it's because the crew was doing an awesome job dispatching. They were running 3 trains and weren't stacking.
It also seemed like most people were going to the left stair by default. We noticed that, went right, and made it to the top of those stairs before we had to wait. The best part of it all was they were filling all the trains. So I think if they can keep operating intervals like they did that day, I'll welcome the full tunnel as long as that helps them continue to send full trains.
The rough part of the wait that day was before the merge point for FL. That took about 25 minutes. The standby line was 2 hours though so I guess FL was still "worth it."
I think there was another issue that made it better. They were only using the wand if you set the metal detector off. So they could keep the stairs filled so there were always riders available to fill the train.
That's correct, I noticed that too. Forgot to mention that part. Thankfully they fixed that.
As long as they send full trains on interval I'll deal with it. But the nicest thing about Iron Gwazi is that I can put my stuff in my pocket.
What if they lined the straight part of the covered queue with lockers (think Velocicoaster)? That way guests waiting in line can put their belongings in a locker that interacts with part of the queue, and they don’t have to go out of the way to lockers that are tucked away (current set up).
Ops on Velicicoaster were so good that on my second trip I realized the stand-still wait portion of the queue was actually for the lockers. Once past that the line moved lickedy split.
Deciding to add lockers is a combination of factors.
First ride; Magnum 1994
RCMAC said:
Ops on Velicicoaster were so good that on my second trip I realized the stand-still wait portion of the queue was actually for the lockers. Once past that the line moved lickedy split.
Agreed. That line constantly moves. I feel like SV could move quick (not Velocicoaster quick) if they had full trains on every train and dispatched fast like they did last year.
I got extra treatment with the wand yesterday and I really don't get why. I showed them my belt buckle and they just kept going over me armpits and everything like 3 times. I found a wrapper in my pocket but nothing else that I may have forgotten about. Just seemed excessive. The "no bags of any kind" stuff seems pointless too. I only bring what I know fits into the free locker into the line, whether or not I put it in a small bag or thin fanny pack to keep it together (and quicker to get in and out of the locker) shouldn't matter. Maybe just put a cubby the size of the free locker next to the test seat and if your loose article, whatever it may be, doesn't fit then it doesn't go in the line.
Paisley, I had a friend tell me yesterday that Steel Vengeance was only boarding the front and back cars on the trains. Was that the same for you?
Weather Freak
Ride Warrior
I was there all day yesterday. They had an early problem with either a wand or metal detector and they had problems getting enough people to fill the train. By noon, it looked like the trains were being filled. It opened around 11....as did Maverick.
Last Sunday was my first time on SV and the new locker system. I had to get a locker for my very small fanny pack outside of the line entrance, and then another locker inside the queue for my wallet that was safely inside of a buttoned pocket. I pointed out that my wallet could not come out. No dice - put it in a locker sir. What is the sense of that? The only thing I could come up with was women typically have a purse or bag and since these have to go into a locker, in order to make things "fair", men have to put their wallets in a locker.
As was the same for Paisley, everything of mine would have fit nicely into the queue locker. I suspect the reason they do the separate lockers is that someone is going to try and put something in the queue locker that does not fit and then it will be a mess. Although I like her idea about the test cubby.
They don't allow anything at all in pockets anymore for that ride which I get to some degree but I had previously been wearing cargo shorts with the pockets altered specifically for coaster riding so that there was no way anything could fall out so I really hated when I had to pay for a locker despite that. I had specifically put my stuff in a small bag so it would be easier to get it in and out of the locker without losing anything and then ran into the no bags thing so it's like I can't win at this point time to come up with a new system I guess.
We were there Tuesday right when the ride opened and I think our train was mostly full but I can easily see how they might be better off running them not full with the way people were getting held up with the wand. I should have been one of the easiest people to go past all I had at that point was the button on my shorts and a belt buckle that would have been setting anything off but they wasted a lot of time on me.
With most riders wearing shorts and t-shirts, those kids are wasting a lot of time wanding bare arms and legs--both front and back. They love playing with their new toy!
There are no logical reasons for this item abandonment on this ride and not others. I'd love to have someone convince me otherwise.
Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music
^Completely agree. Seeing their premiere attraction running with significantly lowered capacity due to the wild "safety" measures should be a giant red flag to management that something's not right. Last year I saw this first-hand, with trains being sent with only the front and back rows filled. I figured they were experimenting with a procedure, and there's no way that would be carried into this season. From the sound of it, I was wrong.
384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot
I agree with you both, and I maintain the theory that the operating procedures are being dictated by a different entity other than Cedar Point itself. Whether it be an Insurance entity, or Government licensing entity or whatever. I would imagine those operating the ride itself would have several great suggestions for quicker, yet safe operations but of course their hands are tied by someone who outlined "safety procedures". Perhaps the overkill of the empty pockets & wanding is due to the Height of the ride, the angles of decent, the number of inversions, the outward angle of some inversions, the number of airtime hills, etc..... Never mind that Steel Vengeance is to me "buttery smooth" throughout. Please don't spread these procedures to other rides that presently don't employ them!
It seems like if a minimum of two metal detectors are needed for efficient operations, which I agree is an absurd "necessity", they need at least four of them in case one goes down. Put two detectors in series in each of the two parallels paths. But it's crazy that they're doing all this. The ride isn't THAT intense.
Shades said:
Last Sunday was my first time on SV and the new locker system. I had to get a locker for my very small fanny pack outside of the line entrance, and then another locker inside the queue for my wallet that was safely inside of a buttoned pocket. I pointed out that my wallet could not come out. No dice - put it in a locker sir. What is the sense of that? The only thing I could come up with was women typically have a purse or bag and since these have to go into a locker, in order to make things "fair", men have to put their wallets in a locker.
But, but, but, there is possibility that while on the ride you could unbutton the pocket and the wallet could fly out causing all sorts of mayhem. That's probably their "logic" in doing what they did.
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