For the log-flume naysayers...


Thursday, August 23, 2018 8:14 PM
Urumqi's avatar

At least one park believes there is still interest for riding log flumes:

Tall and fast not so much upside down...



Thursday, August 23, 2018 8:49 PM

That still doesn’t chang my mind on them...


Cargo Shorts

Thursday, August 23, 2018 9:22 PM
Cargo Shorts's avatar

Didn’t one of the park execs shot down the idea of a flume one of the recent Q&As, as past its time? Maybe it was KI?



Thursday, August 23, 2018 9:23 PM

Who's making it? Will it be a log flume similar to the old Arrow or Hopkins ones or a smallshoot-the-chutes type ride like Shoot the Rapids?


XS NightClub

Thursday, August 23, 2018 9:46 PM
XS NightClub's avatar

Hopefully RMC, that’d be the only way I’d be interested in riding it.

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Thursday, August 23, 2018 11:24 PM

I can pretty much guarantee that it's going to be a Zamperla ride



Friday, August 24, 2018 1:11 AM
operative_me's avatar

I have to say, from the video on that page it looks like Zamperla makes a nice looking flume.

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Friday, August 24, 2018 1:16 AM

Visiting Hershey and Kings Dominion this year, I enjoyed several laps on both flumes. It really made me appreciate a park having a decent flume and made me miss WWL



Friday, August 24, 2018 1:19 AM
Skyhawk06's avatar

While I am quite the naysayer, I guess they could work if they integrated it into the forbidden frontier. That honestly would be kind of cool. Log flume, meet play CLE.

But I honestly can't see why you guys think log flumes are so great. :/

Last edited by Skyhawk06, Friday, August 24, 2018 1:20 AM

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Friday, August 24, 2018 4:25 AM
darkrider68's avatar

Cargo Shorts said:
Didn’t one of the park execs shot down the idea of a flume one of the recent Q&As, as past its time? Maybe it was KI?

It was at Coastermania where the log flume naysayin'was goin down. KI still has one.

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Friday, August 24, 2018 10:38 AM
djDaemon's avatar

It doesn't stand to reason that KI doesn't value the flume ride. After all, they went to the trouble of building MT in such a way that allowed them to keep theirs.

Skyhawk06 said:

But I honestly can't see why you guys think log flumes are so great. :/

Take your young kids on Race for Your Life Charlie Brown at King's Island, or Dudley Do-Right's at Universal, or Timber Mountain at Knott's, and you'll likely see the light. Families are largely what pay for rides like SV or Skyhawk, after all. It makes sense to keep them happy and coming back.



Cargo Shorts

Friday, August 24, 2018 11:19 AM
Cargo Shorts's avatar

I don’t count RFYLCB as a full log flume. It is a mini-flume that rolls along the bottom if adults get in it.



Friday, August 24, 2018 11:38 AM
djDaemon's avatar

Yeah, that's the complaint my then-3 year old had when we rode it.

Wait, no, that's not exactly right. She laughed with uncontrolled excitement the entire time, along with her adult parents, creating a lasting memory that we all cherish to this day. :-)




Friday, August 24, 2018 11:39 AM
Skyhawk06's avatar

djDaemon, There's some problems with that post of yours...1. I don't have kids(And I have a bit of a dislike for kids, but that's more an 'it-depends' situation) 2. I've actually been on a couple log flumes, and they sucked IMO. I don't know why, but I just couldn't really enjoy them unless they got me soaked.

The main reason I'm probably not seeing eye to eye with all of you on this is because I feel like a majority(80%) of this site's users have kids and are more interested in family than adrenaline rushes. I don't have kids, nor an interest in them, and I'm the only one in my family who is really a thrillseeker. So, if the park gets one, that's fine by me, and if the park doesn't, then that's also fine.

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Friday, August 24, 2018 11:54 AM

Cargo Shorts said:

I don’t count RFYLCB as a full log flume. It is a mini-flume that rolls along the bottom if adults get in it.

We had that same problem with 5 of us squeezed in. Made a heck of a splash though. We were soaked. Have never gotten so wet on a flume.



Friday, August 24, 2018 12:03 PM
djDaemon's avatar

Skyhawk06 said:

djDaemon, There's some problems with that post of yours...1. I don't have kids...

Yes, I assumed as much. My kids comment was a tongue-in-cheek way of pointing out that you not having kids is largely why you don't see value in them.

The main reason I'm probably not seeing eye to eye with all of you on this is because I feel like a majority(80%) of this site's users have kids and are more interested in family than adrenaline rushes.

Not just people here, but people in general. Which is why you of all people should be pro-flume (or pro-family attraction in general). If the park catered only to thrill-seekers, it would go out of business in a hurry. Families, in general, spend far more than childless thrill-seekers, and help fund the rides you prefer.



Cargo Shorts

Friday, August 24, 2018 12:10 PM
Cargo Shorts's avatar

I can only really speak for myself but I suspect why many if us like log flumes is nostalgia. When we were tots and probably to small for the bigger coasters there was always that log flume with the big hill we could ride. Plus it’s always fun to get a bit wet and more importantly see your parents get wet.

Back in the 70s one probably could even carry an infant on one of those and smoke a cigarette at the same time. 😮

Last edited by Cargo Shorts, Friday, August 24, 2018 12:13 PM

Shane Denmark

Friday, August 24, 2018 12:18 PM

Someone mentioned Hersheypark. Coal Cracker is my favorite flume by a long shot (Dudley Do-Right has been closed every time I’ve been to Universal). The way it skips across the water at the bottom is pretty slick.




Friday, August 24, 2018 2:48 PM
MichaelB's avatar

I'm a fan of flumes, weather permitting. I always make it a point to ride the one at Busch Gardens in Florida whenever I am there. I think it'd be nice to see a traditional one somewhat off the beaten path.



Friday, August 24, 2018 5:21 PM
Skyhawk06's avatar

IMO I would say log flumes are just overrated. Easily the most unpopular opinion on this site. I just don't even have the nostalgia factor for log flumes, but as far as nostalgia goes, I did go to a lot of Geauga lake and did lots of waterslides and roller coasters. Hell, I even remember it was probably 04' or so, and I was bugging my parents to ride X flight.

But enough of that. The way i see this whole flume thing possibly playing out is that it's integrated into a play CLE style playground, and a more traditional playground with some new restaurants or something. Maybe some showers for kids and everyone else to cool off on, and they could also get a small splash pool that merges into a deeper pool. Geez, this is beginning to sound like a dream I had about Cedar Point. Basically the dream was that I hadn't gone there in 20 years or so, and a lot has changed. Snake river falls had a pool and a restaurant by it, and if you went behind the restaurant, there was a patio that led right to the swimming pool that dropped you into 20' of water.

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