Best place to grab drinks in the park?

Cyanide Princess

I've never drank in the park before(still underage last time I went) so I've never paid much attention to who has drinks and who has the best prices. But now that I'm able to, a few drinks and going on coasters sounds like a fun time.

So I wanted to know what are your favorite places to grab a drink, or who has the best prices?



My favorite place inside the park to grab a drink is the Saloon. However, I do love Surf Lounge and I’m sure Sand Bar will be my favorite once that’s available.



Careful though. A drink or two at the park with friends (or strangers) can make the coasters that much better. But what may be considered moderatly tipsy and fine to be in public and still not make bad decisions can make even the most die hard of coaster riders running for the bushes.


Cyanide Princess

Thanks for the tip, I'm going to keep what drinks I do have very limited, less than I would typically have to be on the safe side. Being drunk on a coaster doesn't sound that great but tipsy sounds fun :)



Make sure you pee before you get in line.



Sollybeast's avatar

Surf Lounge makes excellent Pina Coladas, If you're into that. :9

Proud 5th Liner and CP fan since 1986.


Cyanide Princess

Pina coladas are okay, not my favorite, but I'm a fan of most mixed drinks.

I heard somewhere that one of the places in CP makes mixed drinks themed to the coasters. Has anyone tried them?



Pete's avatar

Surf Lounge makes the best drinks in the park.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.



Jeff's avatar

I was gonna say, where ever Pete is drinking.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music



MichaelB's avatar

Melt has a great selection of beer if that's your thing. There's something about being able to walk through the park on a beautiful, summer night drinking a good beer that's hard to beat.



I always was partial to Last Chance Saloon in Frontiertown, though I think you are limited to beer. But I always found that was a great place to get out of the heat for a little bit. If you're going to just mosey up and down the boardwalk, which is quite the pleasant experience, too, just grab something out of a cooler in your car. It'll be much cheaper that way. Or you can grab something from the store at (I'm showing my age here because I can't recall the current name) Camper Village. And beers at Famous Dave's at the marina, if memory serves me correct, were a dollar or two cheaper than within the park.



Grab a drink at Surf Lounge and head out to the fire pit benches in the evening. It doesn't get much better.



Urumqi's avatar

Is surf lounge open this early in the season? Or does it open when the water park opens?

Tall and fast not so much upside down...



Pete's avatar

Surf Lounge has nothing to do with the water park, it is open when Breakers is open. I believe they open at 11:00 AM every day.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.



Urumqi's avatar

Great. Thanks Pete

Tall and fast not so much upside down...



When I drank, it was always at Famous Dave's. They were strong, affordable and they had a huge selection of alcohol. Plus, if you eat there, depending on how much you spend on food, You can get your parking refunded if you paid for it.

Last edited by Zoug68,


Lash's avatar

That discount has ended at Famous Dave's.


XS NightClub

XS NightClub's avatar

Really depends on what you mean by 'best'. People are going to have differing opinions on whats best: location in park near rides, cheaper than others, stronger drinks, more social clientele, quiet as opposed to vibrant, etc...

The park has a decent range of options for drinking now;

-Surf Lounge and fire pit area tends to be very social and you can meet some great people with normal CP priced drinks which are well made.

-TGIF is usually loud (especially during sports games) drinks can be very good depending on bartenders and over-serving is not discouraged here.

-Daves, I've only had a couple beers at the bar and wasn't a vibrant drinking atmosphere for socializing somewhat cheaper than TGIF and SL.

-Bay Harbor, quiet lounge atmosphere for pre and post dinner pricier cocktails, however outside patio can be fun with the right people.

-Beakers Poolside cocktail service can be a lot of fun with a louder atmosphere, however kids may be involved and service ends around 11pm and you are wet.

-Bubbles Pool bar in CP Shores is usually a great social atmosphere with NO CHILDREN allowed at all! Drinks aren't that strong and typical CP price. They will make them stronger you just have to ask and pay (make sense since you are out in the sun and may not realize how much you drank, so good job on that.)

-In The Park Bars ( I have not had the chance to try Melt Bar so this may not apply), DON'T drink in the park unless you really need a drink bad. Poor selections, very expensive, with crowded limited seating someplace.

-Other options, The marina and camper village stores sell liquor at very reasonable prices, usually a 6 pack of bottled beer or malt beverages is about the same price as 1 beer in the park. If you have the time to drink 6 beers you can enjoy them outside the stores at the picnic tables and enjoy the views. (also, as of last year the park has allowed you to carry-in alcoholic beverages that were purchased there, so you can bring your last one in with you (not the whole 6 pack) also hard liquor is Ohio half proof).

Last edited by XS NightClub,

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus



^ Man I forgot all about the pool bar. Last year we had a blast there, and the bartender was such a fun dude. I forget exactly what the drink he made for us was, but it was something along the lines of "Blue MFer" maybe?


Cyanide Princess

XS Nightclub, thanks for all your suggestions! I love how informative you guys can be :)

F1rePhant0m, Blue Mother****ers(which is pretty close to a Blue Motorcycle) is my favorite mixed drink!


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