Does anyone have tips on how to get the cheapest discounted tickets available? I know AAA, CP online and grocery stores sell them for less than the gate price but is it possible to get tickets for cheaper than $46?
t2fastspin -
2 days- Cedar Point and/or Shores $70. Look under 'daily tickets'.
I have a Platinum Pass, but still bought these for a trip I'm taking later this month with a non-pass holder.
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The last two trips I've been I bought tickets on July 25. They do a "Christmas In July" special where one-day admission was only $29.99.
Another option is to register for the Run and Ride Race. You don't have any flexibility with the dates (June 9-11) that way but with my registration $65 gets me Friday-Sunday in the park, free parking on race day, the race itself of course, and I believe early entry on race day after the race. It's an incredible deal, and you could always skip the race but still have the tickets. It would cost more now but not by that much. There's also a cheaper option that just gives you one day admission rather than the whole weekend.