(4th topic down).
Buried away in cedarpoint's webpage I found out some of these details. I think this is a great idea but unfortunately I won't be able to make it that weekend (June 22/23rd) due to previous commitments. Can someone (Walt/Jeff,anyone else) get pics or cover this event for the site? It would be appreciated.
Also I hope to see the park continuing this trend as next year is Blue Streak's 50th/Mine Ride's 45th, Magnum's 25th!! Anyone going to this?
Excellent!!! CP & LE is a classic. I hope they don't get rid of it. Long live Boneville!!
I plan on being there to cover it.
We asked about engine house tours when we went in May- my husband and Dad are big train fans. Glad to see them doing in for the celebration. I hope they have updated the signs at the station too- they were the 2008 45th anniversary signs when we went.
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