Rides that might be removed in the next few years

Ride On_17

^^I remember seeing some posted on here that showed parts of the ride as well as pictures of what was left of the structure as it was being torn down.

A lot of people seem to want Mean Streak to get the Iron Horse treatment. I've never been on the NTG but it looks and seems amazing based on what I've seen and read. However, the #1 item on my wish list for the park is an Intamin woodie like El Toro at SFGA. I know the relationship between CF and Intamin isn't too great right now, but El Toro, I hate to say, might even be better than Millennium Force IMO. I've never been on a coaster as intense. It is FILLED with extreme ejector airtime all the way through, and the last part of the ride is an intense, high g series of quick turns. I could barely keep my arms up during this section of the ride. If the park gets something like El Toro soon, I won't even wish for another coaster for a really long time after it. That ride is absolutely amazing, and I would recommend going to SFGA to ride it.

Last edited by Ride On_17,

Top 5 CP Coasters: 1. Steel Vengeance 2. Millennium Force 3. Maverick 4. Dragster 5. Magnum
Coaster Count: 102



A few things about Mean Streak:

-It's very visually impressive. Getting the NTG treatment won't change that. It will probably look even cooler and more intimidating!

-Cost. NTG cost about $10 million or so. That's 1/3 of the cost for GateKeeper. Most of CP's bigger coasters have cost about $25-30 million. MF, TTD, Maverick, etc. Taking an "okay" ride and turning it into something incredible at the fraction of the cost of a brand new ride? It's almost a no-brainer. Six Flags did a lot of revamps and what not on their coasters and marketed them as new but it didn't cost as much. Financially, it's a great decision when you're needing a new attraction.

-"The layout on Mean Streak sucks." That's the point of the NTG treatment... It makes it a crazy, crazy ride.

-Capacity. It doesn't seat 40+ people per train like redsfan said... It seats 28. It's a good capacity, don't get me wrong, but with the NTG treatment, they would probably get a higher capacity because it would be a slightly shorter ride. The ride doesn't hit 1,000,000 riders in a season like most (if not, all) of the major coasters do.

-Seating. You shouldn't have to ride only in the front seat to get a good ride. Yes, some seats are better than others on every coaster, but there shouldn't be ONE row that's enjoyable out of a whole train.

-The ride was retracked recently and will probably be retracked more in the coming years. Yes, but that's just part of the upkeep of a wooden coaster.

2012: Gemini/Mean Streak
2013: Co-Team Leader of Gemini/Maverick on Halloweekends Fridays
2014: Ride Supervisor of Thunder Canyon/Skyride/GateKeeper on Halloweekends Fridays
2015: Ride Supervisor of Rougarou



Rcoaster10's avatar

^^^^^ I totally agree with everything you said.


Shawn Meyer

I for one(probably the only one), still enjoy Mean Streak. I feel like Cedar Point did a great job fixing it up the last 2-3 years. Since the re-tracking, I believe that Mean Streak became smoother. Also I agree with thecat and redsfan about the overall experience of the ride. It may have a boring layout, but I think it's still a fun ride. :)



^If it was just a fun ride and took up a little space it would be one thing but MS takes up a huge area.


Super Stew

Super Stew's avatar

Shawn, I'm with you on all of that.

I for one can deal with MS being "boring," and the roughness has never bothered me. As far as I'm concerned, wooden coasters should bang you around a little. I also think there's way too much made out over the layout. The ride is fun if you let it be. My only issue is with the braking of course.

I was super before Super Stew was cool !



I agree. I really like Mean Streak, but from the park's perspective NTG might be a good idea like theatc99 said. If it made the ride awesome for all the guests for a lower cost than removing it and rebuilding another coaster, then that might be a smart thing to do. I also agree with Ride On about a ride like El Toro.



I still don't see why the park would change any of their existing rides or spend money changing something that is perfectly fine. No other park has what CP has in total. It's easy to talk about what they can do to this or that without looking at the checkbook. They'll never please everyone who posts here. They took on alot of debt to buy the Paramount parks and will have to work that down in the near future. Of course it also doubled their take too. I just don't see anything happening after GateKeeper and the improvements to Breakers. Yeah they will put something else in to soothe the people who need something new, but not BIG. Everyone should be happy with whats there. They're not going to build something new every year and right now they are building something BIG. Think some people just want too much. I love riding Mean Streak, Corkscrew, and Mine Ride just the way they are.



djDaemon's avatar

redsfan said:
I still don't see why the park would change any of their existing rides or spend money changing something that is perfectly fine.

MS is not "perfectly fine", by any stretch of the imagination.




Keeping MS the way it is just so they can say they have 2 wooden coasters makes no sense. Even if they had never needed to add the brake on the first drop and kept it running like it did when new, it still wouldn't compare to many new wooden coasters.
$10 million on a new ride that actually draws people to the park is not a waste of money. Plus, I'm guessing that the new design and the steel track would be less damaging to the wooden structure.
My 2 options would be to replace the track with steel or to tear it down completely and build something fun that can run the way it is designed, even if it is smaller.

Last edited by Zoug68,


Getting back to the point I was trying to make and the subject of this thread. I was suggesting that as a business Cedar Fair is not going to spend as much money on the greatest amusement park in the world now that they have twice as many parks than they used to. cedar Point is already better than any other park. They are going to make the rest of the parks better too so they draw more of a profit. The new coaster we are getting is only half way built. CP is not going to get a new coaster in a long time after opening day this year.

I personally enjoy every ride at Cedar Point. The atmosphere, shows, etc... But tear down threads on hear dominate the offseason more than anything else. Cedar Fair as a business has alot to manage besides apeasing anyone who can use a keyboard. They aquired alot of debt in the purchase of 5 large amusement parks that need to compete in their markets too. Those parks aren't going to compete without new rides too. CP just got theirs and are getting upgrades to the hotel too.

Any building a show is in= They could tear that down and build _______ says all the people who never watch the shows when they visit the point.

Any ride that is not designed to your demographic= Give it a treatment or tear it down and build a 10 million dollar ride in its place.

There is nothing wrong with striving for more but be realistic. Cedar Fair does not have $100,000,000,000 saved up in a rainy day fund for the next poster of Pointbuzz who has a really good idea on how to improve CP when said person has no logical understanding of what 10 million dollars is and what it means in a bigger scope to the company that spends the money and has to answer to shareholders who invested their money in the company.

Last edited by redsfan,


I know that 10 million is much less that 25 to 30 million. Seems like a great deal. If MS got the NTG treatment sometime in the next 3 to 5 years they could market it as a new coaster while at the same time spending a third as much money. That's good business right there. Six Flags realized this and the are doing it again.

Six Flags spent 10 million dollars and got the top new ride for 2011! Second place was Cheetah Hunt which cost well over twice as much! Why is this even a debate?



Maverick00's avatar

I think we're going to see a descent priced dark ride show up in the next couple years.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!



^Yes we are well over due for one, especially since we know that the CEO wants to even out the ride line up.


Shawn Meyer

Plus, if you read on KIcentral like I do, rumor has it that 2014 will be Kings Islands turn to get a new roller coaster.



That would make sense since the last time they got one was a year after Maverick.



Also, I never implied that MS needs the re-do soon. I simply stated my opinions about the NTG treatment itself. IF they were ever to get it, I know it's not gonna be anytime soon and it will be a few years down the line. Again, that's *IF* Cedar Point was to do that. Who knows? Maybe even 10 years from now. CP will continue to add new attractions every few years with a "big" attraction every now and then.

2012: Gemini/Mean Streak
2013: Co-Team Leader of Gemini/Maverick on Halloweekends Fridays
2014: Ride Supervisor of Thunder Canyon/Skyride/GateKeeper on Halloweekends Fridays
2015: Ride Supervisor of Rougarou



djDaemon's avatar

redsfan said:
...Cedar Fair is not going to spend as much money on the greatest amusement park in the world now that they have twice as many parks than they used to.

I don't think that's true. Each park has to justify capital investment, same as always. If CP can justify spending $50 million on a 700' coaster, they'll build it. Period. It's not as if those newly-acquired parks don't generate revenue.

...cedar Point is already better than any other park. They are going to make the rest of the parks better too so they draw more of a profit.

Also not accurate. "Better" is purely subjective, in the way you're using the term. And other parks - CW & MA in particular, from what I understand - apparently bring in a lot of money, relative to their cost of operations.

CP is not going to get a new coaster in a long time after opening day this year.

They'll get a new coaster when it can be financially justified. That may be in 5 years, or it may be in 25. The point is, the folks in charge aren't going to not invest in the park because they just invested in it recently. It's all about ROI.

...tear down threads on hear dominate the offseason more than anything else.

No, I think GK (or whatever's being built) construction dominates the offseason. And even if "tear down threads" did dominate, who cares? What the heck else is there to talk about?



Cedar King

Mean streak needs the NTG treatment, but with topper track instead of I-Box. That way they could advertise it as the "________ & _______ &_________" wooden coaster in the world.





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