I was making a new ringtone on phonezoo.com and saw a new CP ad. Anybody else see any ads on different websites?
Let's Get Weird.
I was surprised to see a CP ad at the top of my buddy list when I logged on AIM yesterday.
^ - huh? You do realize that punctuation helps to separate your thoughts. Separating your thoughts makes it a million times easier for people to understand what it is you are trying to say.
Goodbye MrScott
You just now saw this John its been going on for months the guy has 100 posts now and I could probably count on one hand how many periods and commas he's used maybe if he took a few of those extras out of his signature there would be enough for a post or two
eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!
Ride on, MrScott!
^ You sure? Because I always thought that "yay" was a complete sentence. ;)
TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
Cedar Point - America's Roller Coast!
Ron Paul 2008/2012!
^^ - oh, I've recognized it, and in trying to not be The Grammar Nazi (tm), I was letting it go with just a few *blink*s when warranted.
It does bring up a question: If this is the future of our country/planet, why in the world should we care about saving it?
Goodbye MrScott
Every time I see the *blink blink* it gives me this picture of a cartoon character standing there at a loss for words. All he can do is blink twice with the high note from the piano hitting with the closing of the eyelids. :)
eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!
Ride on, MrScott!
^ - you know what's scary, that the exact noise I make in my head as I type it. And pretty much how I picture it too.
Goodbye MrScott
Heh heh. The Grammar Nazi: "No semi-colons for you!"
My author website: mgrantroberts.com.
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