I know I've seen someone ask about music before on here but is there anywhere I can go to download any of the station music for the rides (especially millenium and maverick). I know cedarpoint.com has the Millenium station song but I am trying to find a way to get the songs onto a cd or my iPod.
Itunes has a lot of them. You just have to know what songs to get. Most of them are stated in some of these threads, and others you just have to go to the park and try and find out what the names of the songs are.
Let's Get Weird.
Is anyone aware of the name of Maverick's theme song that is played on the Maverick website?
Millennium Force
The Future is Riding On It.
Fairly certain Maverick's theme is a public domain song and is therefore not available commercially.
Wonder how many blog responses T&T have received regarding putting the theme up on CP.com?
I need to learn to read posts better didn't see that you said you knew the song was on cedarpoint.com. Oh well.
You most likely will not be able to find both songs on the same cd. Maybe if you search the internet a little bit.
DrJ said:
I know I've seen someone ask about music before on here but is there anywhere I can go to download any of the station music for the rides (especially millenium and maverick). I know cedarpoint.com has the Millenium station song but I am trying to find a way to get the songs onto a cd or my iPod.
I found a thread from 2006, looking up songs on google and Vince982 listed a website http://www.pointxtreme.com/playlist.htm
My web browser won't let my on it. Vince982 said it listed all songs in the entire park, but good luck getting on it.
If you don't know TTD it is Ready to go(US Mix)-Republica, and Millenium force's is online. Wicked Twisters is some Rap song that the words were taken out but you can't really recognize it from itunes.
'The Winner' by The Crystal Method is a rap song??
Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004
The wayback machine has the playlist page archived:
Four discount funday tickets to Cedar Point: $130.96
Overnight stay at Breakers Express: $70
Riding rides the size of skyscrapers while "legally" breaking the local speed limit: Priceless
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