Anyone going to Oktoberfest?


I will be there tomorrow evening. It is supposed to be very cold but that will also be half the fun of being there!


e x i t english

e x i t english's avatar

Oh, is that this weekend?

Damn, I've got to work every night 7p-7a. Guess it's another year I'll miss out on the ice cold beer.. :(



JuggaLotus's avatar

No. They serve beer and only alcoholics drink beer. Geauga Lake is a family park and should not serve beer. Beer is evil, and so are lesbians. Especially when they make out on a carousel. That's just gross, two hot chicks making out and being all sexxxy like....gross.


Goodbye MrScott




Loopy's avatar

You didn't know that's really why the ride side of GL is closing?

Beer and lesbians.


Does this mean we'll see you there Sunday?

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!


Ensign Smith

I'll be there tomorrow with my daughter. Since it will be a rated G day, no alcohol or lesbians for me. No leering, no beering.

My author website:


Good Grief...

Good Grief...'s avatar

Oh you silly yahoos :)

Sounds interesting though & I've never been to it. My oldest son & I were maybe headed for CP. Wonder if we should go there instead. What's there for this shindig besides beer? ;)

randi <><
Peace Love Hope



Loopy's avatar


eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!


Bill Abele

And Lesbians

Bill Abele


Good Grief...

Good Grief...'s avatar

^^ Hey Jess, slap that smartie pants boyfriend of yours for me, would ya ;)

Nevermind anyway...stupid basment drain just spoiled my plans. Love spending my days off cleaning up sewer water & paying 150.00 bucks to open a drain.

randi <><
Peace Love Hope



Spit's avatar

Beer on the midway? at GL? OMG!

Games - 1989 - Beanbag Toss/Break-a-plate


Loopy's avatar

So will we see you there on Sunday then, Randi?

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!



I'll be there Sunday as well!

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster |


Mark Small

Mark Small's avatar

I'll be there sometime this afternoon until close. See you there!


e x i t english

e x i t english's avatar

I'll be sleeping. :)


Good Grief...

Good Grief...'s avatar

^^^^ No, sorry. We have CP only passes & drain man drained more than just the sewer line. You might see him there though; he can afford to go :p

Ya'll have fun!

randi <><
Peace Love Hope



Well guys I got there around Around 5:30pm yesterday evening and stayed until 11:30pm. Great times! No lesbians that I saw making out, but I was with my partner but we didn't make out. :) Rode Big Dipper twice which in my opinion is 10 times better than Blue Streak. I have never felt this ride running so great before. The Airtime was just crazy violent but not painful at all. Rode Dominator 3 times just in case, was going for round four and the beer got to me. I stopped while I was ahead, (The coaster riding not the beer drinking :)). Did not want to lose all my money on beer if you catch my drift. Great times but I will anounce again that I saw no carousel riding lesbians. Again no carousel riding lesbians maybe today though since it is Sunday. Take Care Geauga Lake, Hope we still recognize you for 2008 and thanks for a great 2007!
*** Edited 9/16/2007 5:35:56 PM UTC by clevelander***


CP Mac

Just got back from Geauga having spent Sat eve/night there (brrrr) and Sunday till about 2:30. And to answer Good Grief's question the best thing about Oktoberfest besides the beer is the food. Most park locations are closed and the vendors take over the midway with great ethnic creations. I had strudel (1st stop always), cabbage rolls, stromboli, pierogis, candied nuts, kettle corn, and a Pepcid. Oh, and beer.

Saturday was busy till about 10 oclock and Sunday not so much. Lines for rides are fairly short anyway as most people are there for the food and beer.

So here's the interesting part. When I walked into the park on Saturday there was a woman in a Suit on the porch of Guest Relations. Don't know who she was. So I walked up to her and in my usual pesky style said "so, is this the last weekend for Geauga?" and she said "yes- this is the last weekend" and I said "no, I mean forever" and she said "Why, no!" (the tone was "no, silly..."). Not providing a clue whether or not we may lose more or all of our historic Ohio park.

Except the condition and appearance of the park. Sadly, (and I haven't been to GL since the last and final Halloween event) I found the park in general to be in pretty bad shape. The rides looked like hell, all in need of paint or at least a good cleaning. Some had broken or missing decorations. Light bulbs out everywhere. The grounds seemed neglected, the pavement was cracked or had chunks missing all together. Fences needed mending. The buildings and signage seemed worn out. Although I realize it's the end of the season, and I had a good enough time there, it just didn't seem like the kind of place that has Cedar Fair looking after it with a loving hand.

Unless, of course, they are planning to lose the place, then why bother? I hope I'm wrong. I crossed my fingers and told the strudel lady I'd see her next year. I whispered the same thing to the Big Dipper...

I'm the oldest one here. CP emp '73-'74



Of course. The best thing to do is always ask the woman in a suit who you don't know to answer a question like "zomg, is this park closing down fourever!?" because you will be sure to get the most accurate answer. They may even tell you, and just you because you're special, something they haven't told another soul.

What did you expect to happen?



Loopy's avatar

Yeah, we were there today too, from about 12:15 until 5 or so.

I'll have to agree, the park didn't look too good. Like, stuff about to fall off of stations bad.

It was pretty clear that they just didn't care any more. I hope everyone's wrong but I can't see how.

I have a bunch of pics (good and bad) from the park today, if I'm not too lazy later I might upload 'em to my ftp.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!


CP Mac

Yes, thank you, Michael.Darling. The point of the story was not so much about the woman in the Suit, who I expected no answers from, (even though I am very, very special), but more about the deteriorating condition of the park as a sign that things can't be good.

But thank you so much anyway. I was feeling very stupid and ashamed, but now I'm past that and feeling special again.

I'm the oldest one here. CP emp '73-'74


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