
I know this isn't directly related to Cedar Point but this was the only place I could find to get a quick answer to my question. I wanted to know if Loopy Landscapes is at stores. Coasterbuzz says it is but the stores I called said they haven' had it. Please help me out. Thanx!


Check out Chips 'n Bits. It is probably cheaper than in the stores, and you can support this website by clicking on the Chips 'n Bits banner on the frontpage. I'm pretty sure that it is out, or is to come out in Oct. for the Christmas "rush."
Note: I guess that there is no longer a banner on the front page any more, or it a rotating banner. Jeff? If GTTP is no an affilate of Chips 'n Bits, you might as well go on over to Beyond.com or Amazon.com. *** This post was edited by bobthetomato on 9/24/2000. ***

Majin Heero

Yes, its definitely out. I picked it up a couple days ago.

Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 7


Majin, where'd you get it??? I'm not a fan of shopping on the net.


Office Depot has it on sale this week for $19.99. I haven't picked it up yet, though, I'm still working on Corkscrew Follies.

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew


Jeff's avatar
You just said you didn't know where to get an answer, but you came from CoasterBuzz?

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 43

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