MS ERT for Coastermania next year?

Mantis Maniac

For Coaster Mania next year, since it will be MS 10 year aniversery, do you think maybe they should give some night ERT on it without the Trims? It would only be for about an hour and a half or so, so it probably would'nt to much stress on the structure. What do you think? It would be awsome to ride MS at it's full glory. If you figure, there are hints of airime even when the trims hit without the brakes, we should be able to get some nice airtime too.

MF Laps-14


Risk breaking (not braking) something for 1 1/2 hours? I would doubt it.


CP, pass this idea along to the carpentars, they would know what this would do. And who knows, maybe you can give us die hard enthusiasts just what we want!!

Trim brakes-a necessity???

Mantis Maniac

It would be so cool though. If it would be a night ride, the wood and joints would'nt be as tight and non-flexable as if has been running all day, therfore it would be able to take a little more stress, and then you could have the ever popular Magnum ERT with out the trims.

One thing I think Coaster Mania is missing though is ERT on Gemini. Think about it, you get alot of coaster nuts (who usualy go crazy on coasters) on a racing coaster, like twards evening, so everyone is pumped and a little mroe carzy, that would be so much fun!

MF Laps-14


Here is something I don't get.. and maybe someone could make some sense of it for me.. Meanstreak will be 10 years old next year.. but THIS is it's 10th OPERATING season. So why don't we celebrate 10 seasons of operation? It will be 10 next year, but operating 11 seasons. We did the same thing with Magnum and Corkscrew. I guess I just consider it 10 this year.. but then again, my life is run by "seasons" and not years.. Am I the only one that thinks like this? I haven't ridden MS in years.. too rough for me.. but I was the ride crew leader the first two "seasons".. so I love it anyway!


Well...I was born on Nov. 13, 1977. If I asked you how old I am on, say, Dec. 10, 2000, you'd say 23 years old. However, I'd be living my 24th year of life! That answer your question?

Jman *** This post was edited by Jman on 9/21/2000. ***


besides, the GP doesn't count by "seasons" they go by years...

--servo, For whom the off-season has already started...


Refer to rec.roller-coaster and the thread entitled, "Millennium is spelled with two N's" for a lengthy discussion of this very subject...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Backstreet Girl

What *didn't* they discuss in that thread Dave? lol

CP Ride Operations '99-'00



True, but remember that most of the discussion was centered around the argument that the year 2000 is/is not the start of a new millennium.

Same basic argument: Are we counting ordinally (first, second, third, etc.) or cardinally (one, two, three, etc.)? The answer to that question tells you whether to celebrate a coaster's first decade in its tenth or eleventh year of operation.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.


Jenn, I count the same way. I'm glad that there's someone else who counts that way too. :)

Millennium Force The Future Is Riding On It

Sweeping from A-M in
Zone 152:)


Let's get back to the subject, dudes. Does anyone really believe that a couple of pus trim brakes on the first hill are going to save this ride from to much stress? What are we saying? To much stress on the ride, please. Okay, if were going to use that as an excuse, what about the 6 months it stands there not being used. Think about it, Lake Erie winter weather, snow, ice, freezing cold temperatures, rain, wind, you name it, all pound this ride in the off season, not to mention all the other coasters at CP. How about that for stress? They build these things to withstand a beating all year around so don't tell me that by not using trims is going to cause the ride to break. That is unexceptable and dang near impossible. It's really a shame when you think about it because this ride is and can be awesome, unfortunately there is to much stupidity involved. LOSE THE TRIMS, PLEASE!!!


Anyway, the trims are controlled by the computer, not the ride ops or anything else like that. I don't think it is possible for them to just turn them off -- without a major recalibration of the system -- which they aren't going to do for a single night's riding, no matter how nice it would be!

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew


I believe they can turn them off. They turn the trims off or open them up, whatever you call it, every year during e.r.t. on the Magnum, so why suddenly can't they do that on the Mean Streak? I'll bet you Cedar Point, that the ride ops get to take their ride on MS without the trims. Once again, a smoke screen. If someone is saying you can't open and shut the trims manually, they're probably also saying something stupid like, Millennium Force isn't that good. It can be done, computer or not. *** This post was edited by Superstew on 9/28/2000. ***


I'll bet it is protected by some password or key that some trusted person knows or has. They have to be able to turn them off. How do they perform maintience on the ride if you can't turn stuff off.

Trim brakes-a necessity???

Mantis Maniac

Why would'nt they be able to turn them off? On Mantis and Magnum they turn the trims off for ERT at Coaster Mania as Superstew said.

MF Laps-14


I don't know about the trims on the first hill.. they weren't there when I worked on the ride.. but the ones they put in coming up that little hill before you go into the station can be opened and closed by lifting a button ( This could be really old info though.. have no idea about the ride now)

JW Addington

JW Addington's avatar
only the lemon chill guy knows how to disable the trim brakes come on guys you should know this by now :)


Ehwhat? This year, CoasterMania ERT was on Millennium Force and Raptor in the morning; on Magnum and Mean Streak in the evening...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.


LuvRaptor's avatar

I know according to my team leader there is no way to turn off the block brake on Raptor either.
I know they turned off the trims on Banshee-
uh Mantis during ERT this year (not on the 1st hill-just the 2nd hill before pics taken)
Also definite lack of trims on Magnum later that same evening.
ERT on MS again like in '99?
EEEK--find me at Magnum!!
(just like in '99-go figure!)
Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??

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