Favorite Helix

Mantis Maniac

What is your favorite Helix on a coaster at CP? CCMR? Raptor? Gemini?

Personaly, I like Raptors becuase it is so intense, but CCMR becuase its so smooth.

MF Laps-14


I have to say Raptor, I just love how it's so intense and pulls your face apart and maintains a steady g-force that gradually climbs up to it's peak and suddenly you whip out of it. It's funny looking at your photo and all of your veins sticking out of your neck. I LOVE Raptor's helix!!!

Trim brakes-a necessity???



daniel j. haverlock
Magnum Count: 1250
MF Count: 88


I love Gemini's finishing helix. To me, it always feels like the car is going to fall off of the track or you are going to fall out of the car.

...and enjoy the rest of your day at Cedar Point, The Am-aaaa-zement park!


My loyalty prompts me to pick the Gemini helix, but since I've been on the ride so many times, it doesn't hold the same excitement it used to for me. My sense of adventure picks Raptor!

Gemini ATL 2000
Nine positions in four and a half hours while still keepin' both sides happy!


Pete's avatar
The Mine Ride, for both the fun value of it and the nostalgic value for me.


Mine Rides helix is pretty neat...it's the one i thought of first when i read this, so i guess it's my favorite. and it IS fun.

--servo, For whom the off-season has already started...


What about the Wildcat's two helixs. Although my favorite is Raptor, my second id Wildcats. Both are intense, one in a big way, and one in a scaled down version.

Mantis Maniac

I did'nt even think of Wildcats...sorry...lol.

But raptor and CCMR still win my vote.

MF Laps-14

Majin Heero

How about Mantis?

Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 7


I was going to to say Mantis but I lean towards Gemini. My dad and I would ride Gemini at least 10 times every summer when I was a youngin. My dad would always try and scare me by saying "Oh yeah, that last turn where the cars split, someone usually gets ripped out of the train and dies every year", or to something of that effect.
"You can never Safety Dance enough"


I think Gemini's, because it makes your face feel all awkword:)

Magnum-Just Ride It!!!


How about Iron Dragon, does that count as a helix? It is the only good part of the ride!

Gemini looks really cool when the 2 trains are almost even, then split in opposite direction, going through the helix.

Only 2,290½ miles from Cedar Po!nt.


DT has a Helix also. I like Raptor's though

Number 1 And Only Cedar Point.

Cedar Creek Mine Ride


201.3 Miles to the Point from Owosso MI


But what about Magnum's isnt that a helix? I just love going into that banked curve felling im gonna fall out while im brusing my back all up.:)

Magnum-Just Ride It!!!


I like Raptor's, Mantis's, CCMR's, and Wildcat's.


Magnum's turnaround MIGHT be considered two helixes... well two 1/2 helixes...

by defination a helix is a curve that constantly changes height, remember that much and think about it (sorry i'm typing with a broken finger0)
-The Pants Has Spoken
"Yellow line? What Yellow Line..." *** This post was edited by SquishyPants on 9/20/2000. ***


Magnum's is more of a butterfly, and Iron Dragon has a pretzel. Personally, I like any part of the ride with force and speed!

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew


What about Corkscrew?? The "Corkscrew" part os the ride that goes over the midway ( where all the blue seats are ) is always referred to as the Corkscrew Helix.. is that not considered a Helix?

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