
What music would you like to hear played by the DJs at the park? Personally, I think they should play some They Might Be Giants songs :)

Magnum 1989-

Personally I would like to hear a little claasical music played. Carmina Burana and Millennium Force go hand-in-hand if you ask me.

Remember, line jumping is NOT a sporting event!


This has been over discussed earlier. So search the archives, and I'm sure you'll find it.


Ya, and if history repeats (for the umpteenth time), It SHOULD turn into a Metallica dicussion...


Yeah, someone will list all of his/her favorite coasters and the appropriate metallica songs to go along with it. Let's see if it happens shall we..............


what's so great about Metallica anyway?? all their stuff sounds the same to me...
ride early, ride often!!! *** This post was edited by servo on 9/9/2000. ***


servo-i wont go there.METALLICA ROCKS.

Umm.. well, I don't want a fight over metallica- just give your opinion of what SHOULD be played.. not what SHOULDN'T be played.


It's inevitable,-Metallica. I won't even list them all, because it would take me forever.


The most shocking thing to me about this thread is that it DID IN FACT turn into a thread about Metallica (even after my sarcastic comment...)

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