Season Pass Center

TTD 120mph

TTD 120mph's avatar

With about a month to go till the season pass center opens, I was thinking that there could be a possible meeting at the center. I will be bringing the buttons for any who want them as I have decided to leave the space for you guys to write you screen names in instead of me printing the names on.
So, since there's still a while to go till the center opens, I thought I'd see if there's anyone who is interested. Of course we can all also do something else so throw some ideas if you have any.
I'm planning on taking the 21st off from work to go since I can’t go during the week seeing that I’m still in school. I will, however, wait and see if we can all come up with a different date, provided it's on a weekend.

*** Edited 3/18/2007 2:38:23 AM UTC by TTD 120mph***

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut


Mark Small

Mark Small's avatar

Well, the 21st is KI opening day, so some people may be going there. I'm not sure if I am or not yet.


David Sagert

I will be at the the SP center on 21st of April, with my drunken cohorts of course, anyone wish to meet up?



bholcomb's avatar

If we're all going to go down there and get together, we might as well at least go to Chet and Matts together or something.

With that said, since it's a Saturday I won't be able to make it, but I may go sometime during the week to renew my pass. I decided I needed a new picture this year.



I will be there on the first wednesday. Since we need the pass for KI.



I'll be there on Weds. also.



Loopy's avatar

We're taking a detour to Sandusky on our way to KI on Friday.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!



What is KI? Kings Island?
*** Edited 3/22/2007 10:28:19 PM UTC by bubbakevjr***



Loopy's avatar

Just for giggles, type in your browser...

see where it takes you.

I'm guessing CF is going to keep the pki website since is taken.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!



I guess I could make the trip, I just need to know 2 weeks beforehand so I can request off work. I'll buy a button as well!

Cedar Point Lifer, RideOp, Now Park Guest
2008 - Mantis/MF/Skyride
2009 - ATL Raptor
2010 - TL Sweeps
2011 & 2012 - Area 3 Rides Supervisor


TTD 120mph

TTD 120mph's avatar

Buy?! Theyre not for sale!! They're my gift to you guys!:)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut




Cedar Point Lifer, RideOp, Now Park Guest
2008 - Mantis/MF/Skyride
2009 - ATL Raptor
2010 - TL Sweeps
2011 & 2012 - Area 3 Rides Supervisor



Vince982's avatar

Just as an update, we have the official hours of the SPC.

April 18 - May 11
Monday-Tuesday: CLOSED
Wednesday-Friday: 3PM-7PM
Saturday-Sunday: 11AM-7PM

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete


TTD 120mph

TTD 120mph's avatar

Just so ya know Vince, that's have been up for a while now.:)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut



Vince982's avatar

Sorry, I'm slow.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete


TTD 120mph

TTD 120mph's avatar

No, that's good you posted it on here....I mean you never know, maybe some one who hasn't seen it yet will find out about it on here (i.e.- your post) which will save them the trouble of trying to find it on CP's site.:)

Speaking of which, I just took the 21st off from work to head out to the center. So if anyone is willing to meet up then and get their button, I'll be there right when it opens at 11. Just looks for a pointbuzz shirt.

*** Edited 4/1/2007 4:49:17 AM UTC by TTD 120mph***

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut



Vince982's avatar

Hey Adam, is it possible to just show up at the centre and get a pass right there on the spot? I'm going to be at CP May 14 and 15, but we're driving up on the 13(sunday). So, if all of the timing is right, would I be able to go to the SPC that night and get one and have it ready for the next day? I'll probably have to pay the $10 parking if I do that too eh?

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete


TTD 120mph

TTD 120mph's avatar

Well yeah you can. Your pass is good the moment it's in your hand. Just as long as you get the pass before the center closes at 8pm youre all set for the next day. Dont forget that after friday May 11th, the center is only open from 9AM - 8PM so that's your time frame for sunday. And yes you will most likely have to pay for parking.

Heck if you wanted to, as soon as you got your pass, on sunday, you could do a quick walk in the park and ride something....provided it's before the park closes at 7.

*** Edited 4/1/2007 7:41:07 PM UTC by TTD 120mph***

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut



Vince982's avatar

I won't be leaving Windsor until after I finish work, which will probably be somewhere around 3 or 4, so I need to worry about getting there on time because I don't want to worry about getting my pass Monday morning. That would be sweet if I could get there early enough to be able to run into the park for a quick ride on Raptor or something.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete



My kids will be soooo excited that we can go get our passes in a couple of weeks. We had so much fun last summer. Well, me and my kids will be there Sat. around 11 (since they're in school during the week). We'll try to find you just for the fun of it. The kids will proabably enjoy that part too!! We just can't wait till they open!!!


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