I am driving over Saturday to be at the park Sunday and wanted to know if I could get to Millenium Force faster, if I bought tickets Saturday night.
Also is it faster to use the Marina or Soak City entrance.
Thanks for the help, I have yet to ride MF
Its would be smart to get a coupon online at CedarPoint.com and buy your ticket ahead so you can be by the Marina Entrance when the park opens.
Next CP Trip: 8/17/00
See my Po!nt?
Marina entrance would be MUCH faster, because then you don't have to run around the lagoons.
Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
I have coupons from the mailer. I'll stop by Saturday on the way to the hotel. I intend to be at the gate by 8:15am. Is it better to ride MF then hit Raptor, or save that for early evening?