During my 10th CP trip this season on Thursday, I was on line for MF in the morning for my 2nd run.
There was this guy behind me who first
told me he liked my MF tattoo
then asked me how many times I had ridden MF
I explained this ride would be my 54th lap
and he STILL asked
"so, do you like it?"
no-duh why do you ask?
2000 Millennium Force Laps: 54
2000 Raptor Laps: 35
2000 Banshee Laps: 20
2000 PT Drops: 2
4 weeks til Im a CP employee!! WOO HOO!!
Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
201.3 Miles to the Point from Owosso MI
Do what I do whenever someone asks me something like that.
"I can't stand this ride. I literally hate this ride! I would rather put my hand in a cheese compressor and buy a Hugo."
Then turn to your riding partner. "Oh yes this is my third ride today."
Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
What's a cheese compressor?
That's a very good question.
Cheese Compressor; (n), (v) 1. To compress Cheese, or the process of. 2. A large machine used to compress large blocks of cheese into single cheese or cheese slices.
Okay, this isn't the first word I have made up. It has no meaning and is implied into worthless sentences solely to confuse the listener/reader.
Although at least one of my words have made it into the yellow pages, none have ever made it to any dictionary.
Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
I have a something that goes along those lines.
Whenever I wear my black Millennium Force T-shirt, people ask me, "Have you ridden that?" No, I went to the park and couldn't find it, so I just went home!
Just a few comments on the points here.
First of all, it depends on the guy's tone whether or not I'd think he was an idiot for asking "So, do you like it". I've had conversations with people while waiting in line, and they tell me all about it, and how they've been on it x-amount of times already that day, and x-amount of times their whole life. Then, jokingly, I'll say, "So you like it, huh?" It's just meant to be comical, mind you. Of course, if he honestly didn't know if you liked it or not, well, that's another matter.
And as for people asking "Have you ridden that" while you're wearing a Millennium Force shirt, two things I wonder about that.
One, what would you think if somebody just plain walked up to you and said, "How was it"? Also, it's just a good, friendly way to start up conversation.
Second, the day Phantom's Revenge was announced at Kennywood, some people received hats with the new logo. They're wearing a hat for a particular ride, and they never rode it...
How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
If they asked me, "How was it?", like some people have done, I'm fine with it.