Magnum's lift chain breaks!


Sources have just informed me that the lift chain for The Magnum XL 200 broke sometime earlier today. That's all I know for now.

Brandon Sorc
Millennium Force count:44


Ok, if this was true, how many different chains broke at Cedar Point? I remember the Corkscrew had that problem at the end of last year.


%*&^%!!!!! I'm going tomorrow.


how long would it be till they replace it? I hope they dont put in a elevator lift like millenium force! I like The Chain for magnun better!

chris l

Magnums chain broke its first year as the train was full almost to the top!! CP staff had to form a human chain on the hill to guide the guest as they had to walk back down the hill!!! That is a fact!!


IF it did break, it would take a few days to fix, plus running all the inspection tests. And the "human chain" to guide guests is standard on all the rides when you have to have a "walk down" because guests are stuck on the ride. Though on the higher lift hills it would be interesting!

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew

CP Schroeder

Yes, one of my co-workers saw this happen on his way to work today. It was while they were testing it around 7:30am. The chain snapped halfway up the hill and it slid back down to where it has been sitting all day about 1/4 of the way up. During dinner, I talked to a maintenance guy in the cafeteria who said some controls were damaged during the big storm we had last night. It will take a few days to fix. Even as I left work tonight there was a large crane and at least 6 maintenance people working on the chain motor at the base of the Magnum lift. As I do answer phones for the park, we have been told to tell people that Magnum will be down for several days. Sorry to anyone coming soon!


Just got back from the point, and to clarify, the chain did *not* break during testing. My brother and I headed to Magnum first this morning (got there around 9:20). They began cycling trains around 9:50 and started letting people in the queue right around 10. Several trains full of passengers completed the circuit before the chain broke, and I was aboard the last train that completed the circuit. After a great ride with no noticable problems up the lift, we arrived at the block right outside the last tunnel. Immediately noticable was a train stuck about 30 or so feet up the lift. My eyes scanned down below the track and low-and-behold there was a spaghetti tangle of chain bunched up above the return trough. Soon enough the ops made their way up to the train on the lift to start the walkdown. After this, to my surprise, we were walked off the block brake (not exactly the walkdown I wanted but cool nonetheless). We walked down the stairs and saw that the chain dangled all the way to the ground and there was also a bunch tangled up at the base of the lift on top of the track. All of our names were taken down (part of this was done under the lift hill which was cool) and then we were on our way.

I've rambled quite a bit here but on a side note it was very interesting to check back throughout the day and see what went into the cleanup. There were many mechanincs (obviously) untangling and cutting the chain into about 20 ft sections. The pieces were then lifted by a small crane and some were loaded onto the back of a pickup for taking away.

Even though I got only one Maggie lap it was a very fun day on Point.





Maybe, maybe not. But that's a risk you take when going to any amusement park, that some rides will be down and not open. CP is one of the best parks I've ever been to about getting rides open, but hey, if it isn't, there are a LOT of other coasters to ride! I know it stinks, but don't get mad at the ride ops and stuff -- certainly not their fault!

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew


Here is the deal, it broke around 10:30am, yes the train was loaded and the train was about 50ft in the air. I drove over to the Soak City lot this morning and the train was still on the lift. They took the chain apart in peices and when I got there at 6pm yesterday they were putting the chain back on.

I'm surprised that the they were putting the chain back on the lift becuase I heard that the the some of the dogs and rollbacks were damaged when it broke. We will just have to wait and see what happens.

Lets see in '98 one of the cords broke on power tower, in '99 the screw lift chain broke and this year Magnum's lift chain breaks, whats going to happen next year!?!?!?!?!?

Of course I didn't have my camera with me so I bought a throw away camera. I doubt any of the shots will come out. The lesson learned today: When ever I leave the house the Nikon will always be with me!

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801 *** This post was edited by Dan on 8/8/2000. ***


Don't blame the park, Some rides are old, and you can expect some accients and incidents, but CP is no where near as bad as PKI. They told us that SOB and Face-Off wouldn't be open on time, but how many other times has this happened compared to the ONE accident that happens at CP.


Jeff's avatar
This isn't an accident. Let's not call it that.

They replace chains every couple of seasons, so it has nothing to do with the age of the ride. If they just let the chains go every year and waited until they broke, this would happen all of the time.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35


Chain breaks happen. Superman at SFA was NEW this year and had a break (two, actually, wasn't it?)

It's just a fact of life with these awesome toys. And the antirollback mechanisms are there for just this reason -- in the event of a lift problem (power outage, chain break, whatever), the train doesn't go rolling back and slam into the station.

Not a big deal, Magnum will be back.

MF count: 7


That would suck if that happend!!:(

Visit my Cedar Point page!!


If what happened??? It really did happen.



If the train goes rolling back and slams into the station.

Visit my Cedar Point page!!


OHHHH, that would suck


it's happend! Last yead a oldddd park in new york or somthing like that, A coaster like cp's wildcat did not have roll backs, the chain broke, cars went backwards and slamed in to another train. 6 people died and many others injered.{true story}


I'll be there tmw, Thursday and Friday. If I don't get to ride my #1 coaster on my first trip to the point this year, that's ok. As long as nothing happens to MF!

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