How fast MF is over the WHOLE course


Thank you CDCoolguy!!!


stengle screwed up majorly on sob, that is the most god awful ride ever
3 Force rides:
3-2, 5-1, 9-2


The layout is fine. Construction and trains are what plagues SoB.


I thought it was a GREAT coaster for "rough riders".


hey punk, weren't you the one that actually liked Mean Streak's roughness and hated when people complained about it?? I think you were and if that ride is rough enough to make you hate it, then it must be pretty bad.



I just got into this topic. But I do know that at the end of the ride into the breaks, Millennium Force is going 45 m.p.h. and going up the hill is 22 ft. per second. If that helps at all, I'm glad, and if you were wondering how I knew (even though many people probably know now)I had lunch with Mr. Don Meyers, Vice President and General Manager of Cedar Point.

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