Valleyfair Project?


Let me first start off by saying I'm sorry that this is not about CP. I just received my VF season pass flier, and at the bottom it says;(in a little box) "Something BIG is coming in 2007", and next to it is another box introducing "MAXX Pass". I dont know if it is talking about 2 different things, or just the MAXX PASS.

Again I'm sorry for not sticking to CP topics, but with all the talk about Project 07, I cant help but hope something is coming to MN.

Please help. If you know of anything I would love to hear it.


Millenium Rules!!

It's a new wooden coaster!



Thanks 46, I never think about going to those other sights. There is no place like CP... I was hoping some one who knew some one, who knew some one, who's cousin worked for the park or CF would have some info.

Thanks again.

I hope it's not a woodie!!!!!!!



Jeff's avatar

It's "sites," not "sights." Sights are things you see, sites are locations, as in Web sites.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music


Ensign Smith

I don't know, Jeff. CP really is quite a 'sight'. Out of the mouths of babes... ;)

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Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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