What Is Your Favorite place to Stay For a trip to Cedar Point and Why?
Hotel Breakers(new part) because it's clean and TGI Friday's is open really late so you can go there after a day at the park.
Live for FUN!
Isnt It a little expensive though? I like the holiday Inn ! Holidomes Rule!
For a reasonable fee stay at Breakers Express, it's not charming but it's not the ghetto either.
Next CP Trip: 8/10/00
See my Po!nt?
uh i forget the name of it, but it is at the end of the causeway and has that lake in the middle and has a tgi fridays and is owned by the point. i like that one
3 Force rides:
3-2, 5-1, 9-2
Punk, thats the Radison.
Next CP Trip: 8/17/00
See my Po!nt?
I like Radison too. I've stayed there two years in a row. Love the view and the "decks" each room has. Also great Breakfast buffet and those awesome CP Coasterpics in the lobby
i'll be staying at Sandcastle in august, is that a nice hotel?
Visit my Cedar Point page!! homestead.com/ericscedarpointpage/cedarpoint.html
*** This post was edited by eric on 8/6/2000. ***
Yes Sandcastle is very nice. Nice rooms, pool, serivce etc. Of course this is based on my last stay there six years ago. You can hear Magnum testing in the morning
Any one else ever stay at the Holiday Inn sandusky with the holidome? Im am going there later this august!
P.S. Not the express