On Ride Photos


Do you think camera placement on some of these coasters should improve? I have an ancient Magnum photo that looks like it was taken on the 1st or 2nd drop. Was there a technical reason for moving the photograph locations? Just currious.

I personally would rather have my mugshot taken after the first drop on MF rather then where it presently is.



I don't know for sure, but it could have something to do with the speed of the trains vs. the speed of the film. If the train is moving too fast, the pictures could be all blurry and not everyone would be in them. I don't know if any of them have ever moved, though! *Grin*

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew


Jeff's avatar
There is no film, but current technology will let you put a camera anywhere. The problem I've noticed is timing. Millennium Force is the worst, because it appears the the cameras fire at a fixed interval starting with the first train. That doesn't work when the speed varies so wildly.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35


That sounds logical Jeff.

Didn't think about speed variance. I do have an on ride photo coming down the first or second hill of the Magnum. There must have been problems with the timing as you suggest.



Hmmm...That might be why some of those systems (the one on PKI's Face/Off, for instance) use a separate camera for each seat on the ride. That way, all of the shots can be taken at the same instant, when the train hits a single trigger... --Dave Althoff, Jr.


That would be a much better system, RideMan, because then speed becomes irrelevant -- even small things like how much weight is in the train or the wind or wetness of the track can change the speed enough that the cameras CP uses now can give some pretty useless shots.

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew

OnRidePic freak

Can I see those ONRIDE photos?


i've noticed that on MF particularly, if you sit on the right side, you don't get as good a photo as when you sit on the left side. it's like the camera is pointing downward a little. and the last time i rode Raptor(front seat), our photo was of the ground and the supports, not of us. the middle and the back of the train got fine pics...but then there is the infamous "Magnum Cigarette" photo that not only proves airtime but that the on-ride cameras DO work most of the time, sometimes better than normal!!

ride early, ride often!!!


I recal having a onride photo on the top of Magnum that was cool.


I was just looking at my on-ride photos this morning. I have all of them except Mantis, but I can't find my Mean Streak one. I compared the photos. Magnum, Early 90's kinda blury, small. Raptor, Mid 90's, clear but not crystal, not to badly sized. MF, 2000, almost crystal clear, nice size (in the grey evelope from opening day). I'm glad CP keeps updating its camera's, the On-ride photos on all the rides look alot better now.

Car 5, Discovery Channel, look for me on the
on-ride discription.
MF Rides-11

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