Tuesday, July 25, 2000 8:12 AM
first off, a note: Sorry if this has been brought up before. Anyway, I was interested in how fast MF takes the whole course. If my calculations are correct (and I believe they are), MF averages 47 MPH over the entire course. That includes the lift hill. Take away the lift hill section, and from the top of the first drop to the end, MF averages 58 MPH over the course. Wow. I knew you were flying through it, but I didn't think the average would be near 60 MPH. Compare this to Magnum's average speed of 27 MPH (including lift)
Millennium Force laps: 2
Tuesday, July 25, 2000 11:51 AM
So where do they come up with the 92mph??
Tuesday, July 25, 2000 11:55 AM
92 is the top speed, 47 (or 57) is the AVERAGE speed. I was wondering this myself - glad someone else did the math for me :) Maybe this is another record - fastest average speed for a coaster.
Tuesday, July 25, 2000 1:26 PM
I'd think it would be a good bet that it's a record...and I think it would probably hold even after SD2000 opens. I don't think SD will have the same sustained speed that MF does.
Millennium Force laps: 2
Tuesday, July 25, 2000 4:17 PM
Wow Jman, I never thought of that. You're right, MF will still hold the fastest average speed. Especially since SD2000 will have a chain lift. I bet even if you didn't add in the lift to the totals, MF would still come out on top. That's something CP could use in advertising.
Tuesday, July 25, 2000 4:23 PM
They called always say the World's Fastest Roller Coaster, and then in small fine print at the bottom put average speed :)
Whats life if you never get to the point?
Erick Kalter
Wednesday, July 26, 2000 1:23 AM
But isn't Supermans Great Excape the fastest?? Or u don't call that a rollercoaster??
Wednesday, July 26, 2000 1:32 AM
never heard of that ride
Wednesday, July 26, 2000 6:19 AM
That's not a coaster. It's a neat ride, but not a coaster. Doesn't make a complete circuit. (Superman: The Escape)
Millennium Force laps: 2
Wednesday, July 26, 2000 1:17 PM
I agree with you Jman, but Intamin and Guiness don't. If you see Intamin's website news-( you'll see that Superman holds the record for the fastest roller coaster AND the fastest launched coaster. MF got jipped! :(
*** This post was edited by MFistheBEST on 7/26/2000. ***
Wednesday, July 26, 2000 2:15 PM
I'm sure that in Guinness, it will have SD listed as the tallest and fastest traditional, complete circuit rollor coaster.
Wednesday, July 26, 2000 2:18 PM
That's odd, because Sandor, Intamin's President, said on media day that MF was, "The world's tallest, fastest, roller coaster." I've got it on tape to prove it.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35
Wednesday, July 26, 2000 3:16 PM
When Goliath opened at Magic Mountain they advertised and claimed it was the tallest roller coaster, and Superman: The Escape is at the same park.
Whats life if you never get to the point?
Wednesday, July 26, 2000 4:22 PM
Guiness clarifies between shuttle and normal coaster. The record for a normal (real) coaster is listed as the "Tallest Gravity Based Coaster" Which I think is stupid, but the 2000 edition, it was, of course, Fijuyama, at 259 ft, 239 ft drop. What's so stupid about SFMM is that Goliath was NEVER the tallest in the world. Goliath is only 230 something feet. It had the longest drop for a while though, at 259.
Millennium Force laps: 2
*** This post was edited by Jman on 7/26/2000. ***
Wednesday, July 26, 2000 4:40 PM
Speaking of which... maybe you guys know, but who designs for Intamin?
we know CCI, GCI, B&M [duh...], Morgan, somewhat Arrow, etc. Do we know Intamin's designers? [Or Giavanola, for that matter]
Wednesday, July 26, 2000 7:39 PM
I believe that Werner Stengle designed MF, but I could be wrong, of course.
Millennium Force laps: 2
Thursday, July 27, 2000 6:55 PM
Yes he did. He also does work with B&M, Giovanola and even the mess of people involved with SOB.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35
Thursday, July 27, 2000 11:41 PM
Yeah, all those new coasters in Ohio, and Stengel had a hand in most of them...
--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Wednesday, August 2, 2000 2:21 PM
I asked this question in another topic room before I saw this one, but does anyone know how fast Mf is going by the time you reach the top of the ride and are about to go over? I know you begin to speed up but how fast are you going?
Wednesday, August 2, 2000 2:43 PM
According to Cedar Point, you are going about 13 m.p.h.