Yahoo is clueless


Friday, July 21, 2000 2:33 PM
I looked up roller coasters in Yahoo's search, and it describes Gemini as a twin tracked WOODEN roller coaster, and then shows Mean Streak. And Gemini isn't even wooden.

Here's the link:


Friday, July 21, 2000 8:06 PM
I used a book once where they displayed a picture of Mean Streak contrary to the caption that said it was the Magnum, the Mean Streak is always substituted for everything. Watch in a couple of years they'll display a picture of Mean Streak instead of MF. :)

Magnum is sinking!

Friday, July 21, 2000 8:11 PM
Speaking of which, did anyone else notice the little goof on page 32 of Michigan Living?

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!

Michigan Man

Friday, July 21, 2000 10:29 PM
Yes, Magnum is sinking--and there was more than just the photo goof, too. Though I don't have the issue anymore, there was something about "an overbanked 22-degree turn" (do these people not know what "overbanked" means, regardless of context?) as well as another completely absurd factual error, if I recall correctly.


"Thank you for riding [fill in name of ride], and enjoy the rest of your day here at [fill in name of park]."

CP trips: 06
MF rides: 05
TTR advocate


Saturday, July 22, 2000 1:40 PM
Yahoo said that the riders on Gemini go through a loop, for crying out loud!


Saturday, July 22, 2000 1:55 PM
I am sorry but some people need to grow up. So what Yahoo! didn't get the technical names right. I used to think Gemini was Wooden too. Think of Yahoo! as the General public

Millennium Force Rides:2
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3


Saturday, July 22, 2000 2:41 PM
Yahoo! is a place where you look up information so of course it has to be accurate!! Would you like getting the wrong information when your planning a trip?



Saturday, July 22, 2000 3:02 PM
When something is used for factual information, the information they provide really does need to be accurate. Yahoo! is not the general public, it is the encylopedia that the general public looks up information like that. I completely agree, Shorti, how would you like to look something up and be told wrong? Maybe you're someone who only rides true wooden coasters, then you would be disappointed when you went to Cedar Point.

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew


Saturday, July 22, 2000 10:03 PM
You mean if you were planning a trip to Cedar Point, you would actually search Yahoo! for their roller coaster? That doesn't make since. Also, if I was planning a trip I would go to...hmmm Oh well they mixed a picture up (But they do seem kinda stupid when they say 2 trains racing and there is only 1 train on the track).

Millennium Force Rides:2
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3


Saturday, July 22, 2000 11:29 PM
Also the last time I checked, they said Cedar Point had 12 coasters and 57 rides...

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