sf eartquake


does anyone know where i could see any pictures of the san frasisco earthquake dark ride that used to be in the snoopy botiqe?

Cedar Point-on-Lake Erie

On the Cedar Point-on-Lake Erie web site you can find a before and after on the "THEN & NOW" page of the ride and a description of it under "LOST RIDES".

Intrested in Cedar Point History?
Visit Cedar Point-on-Lake Erie http://cedarpoint.virtualave.net *** This post was edited by Cedar Point-on-Lake Erie on 7/19/2000. ***


what is the web address?i tried pulling up http://cedarpoint.virtualave.net and it produced no results.


anybody know the whereabouts of this ride? Was it completely scrapped or are pieces kept around for certain events (such as the pirate ride props during halloweekends)?

Magnum is sinking!

They used parts of it for non other than Disaster Transport and Bearnstein Bears I do believe.

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!


who would've guessed!

Cedar Point-on-Lake Erie

Hothitz, try it again, the server may of been down.
Intrested in Cedar Point History?
Visit Cedar Point-on-Lake Erie http://cedarpoint.virtualave.net

sky kicker

"I see an earthquake in the future" I love that part.


i keep trying and i keep getting the same message-"cannot find site"ive tried yahoo,msn,also the search engine my cable modem gives me.i really want to cheak this out.is there a link for it anywhere?


What was this ride like??

Raptor '00 Count: 45

Mango Madness

Shorti -

The best comparison that you might relate to would be "Mr. Toads Wild Ride" at Disneyland in California with different theming (or as my circle of friends call it - Mr. Toads Acid Trip). :)

It was essentially a classic dark ride - a car took you through different rooms which were themed to the famous SF Earthquake of (1910?). Walls appeared to shake, buildings fall, etc.

Hope that helps a bit -



Mr. Toad's Wild Ride is cool!


Too bad it's a Whinnie the Pooh ride now.



I was the same ride as CP's pirate ride only with different pictures. Both were moved to CP from Freedomland. Did you ever ride the Pirate Ride?


i put on a haunted house in oct,and it does very well.im now looking into the idea of doing a dark ride/haunted house.i would love to get my paws on some of the old props from eather the sf earthquake,or pirat ride.

Magnum is sinking!

The funny thing is that Cedar Point still owns both rides. You would be surprised what a park can collect in 130 years.

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!


they still have the sf earthqueke ride?wow why doint they set it back up?also im still looking for any pictures of it.for some reason i cant bring up cp virtualave web site.

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