Feel's like legs are being ripped off


Vanessa said:
My only problem is on WT, especially when it's cold for some reason, when I jump off the train I get a very painful pins and needles feeling in my feet/legs. It's from the blood rushing to my feet... not sure why it's worse when it's cold though. I just always have to remember to get down gently.

Thats the only problem that i have too. the joint where my toes are, kill me everytime that I get off. but it doesnt matter if its hot or cold. it still hurts.

I love Monkeys! I love Monkeys!



ive never had a pain feeling in my legs from raptor or wt, but one time on mantis my knees locked and that hurt a bit.



The helix on Raptor could be too intense sometimes, also Mantis puts a lot pressure on the legs. That's why I'll take Riddlers Revenge over Mantis, because the forces aren't nearly as bad. Some people prefer the intensity. It's just a matter of preferance.

Don't get me wrong, CP has the ultimate collection of coasters, its just that some rides could be too intense for some.

All my life I've been an obese man trapped inside a fat man's body


macho nachos

I agree SteelRaptor, and I'd take Alpengeist over Raptor any day. Riddler's Revenge is my favorite stand up by far, but like you said, its a matter of preference. ;)

I don't get that feeling like my legs are being ripped off, but anytime I ride anything with OTSRs the next day I get some some very strange bruising on both shoulders. It looks like someone took a red pen and drew little lines all over me. Does anyone else experience this?

Millennium Force Laps-168
**Vertigo Launches-21**
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I never really feel like that, however, on Mantis my knees feel like they are going to break.

-Scott Wilson
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Vanessa said:
My only problem is on WT, especially when it's cold for some reason, when I jump off the train I get a very painful pins and needles feeling in my feet/legs. It's from the blood rushing to my feet... not sure why it's worse when it's cold though. I just always have to remember to get down gently.

Gmoney said:

Thats the only problem that i have too. the joint where my toes are, kill me everytime that I get off. but it doesnt matter if its hot or cold. it still hurts.

I'm right there with you guys.. Im just glad after a year or so of operation they added the nice rubbery pad underneath the train in loading position! does'nt hurt as bad now but a little...

Screamster Crew 02' And returning 2006 }:-)



the last time i rode mantin whcih was last summrer, i seriously thought my letgs were going to explode. i had never felt such intense pain before. after that i had to sit down and relax 15 minutes



WT din't bother me. First time Mantis got pins & needles that got worse near the end. Next time I relaxed my legs & was fine. I love the transitions i.e being thrown from side to side in S-curves etc.

First time Raptor killed my legs, especially the helix in the end. I'm 6'3" & my legs hang way over the seat with out any support to the knees. So next time I sat as far back as possible & took off my shoes, no worries! My shoes weigh a pound each & removing them reduced the G's a fair bit.



I get leg cramps riding Mantis,and standing in that cramped position for to long a time,and my head get banged around quite a bit, i try not to ride mantis.


MF 92mph

When I rode I never felt any problem when I was riding. After though is A different story. My legs felt all wierd and I felt like it was hard to stand up.
*** Edited 7/17/2006 8:34:00 PM UTC by MF 92mph***

*** Edited 7/17/2006 8:35:21 PM UTC by MF 92mph***
*** Edited 7/17/2006 8:36:19 PM UTC by MF 92mph***


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