Interesting Technical Question

Coasters Are Gods

If CP wanted to put Mantis trains on MF, could they?

"Is Millennium Force a coaster... or a god?"
11 Days until... IT.


I'm going to say no. I'm goign to give this a shot and say maybe the track guage is too small or too big (might not be since Inatmin used to be with B&M) or there's a difference where B&M trains might weigh more and wouldn't work as good...?


I would say no becouse look at the track, MF is a box track and Mantis is regular steel tubular track.

14 and counting
See my Po!nt?


I don't think we would have to worry about putting MF trains on if people would just STAND UP! Oh, sorry. To answer your question, maybe. But I think you would have to do bunches of reworking of the wheels.

Visit my RCT CP site.


Well, the rails are round on both, and I think that Mantis has the wheels on the outside like MF, but I doubt the gauge is the same. I think the mantis track is a little wider. Plus, the added wind resistance of the standing bodies would probably cause the trains to roll back on the third hill.


Millennium Force laps: 2


Not to mention that it would mess up the clearances, the passenger restraint mechanisms would not function properly, the lift mechanism would not work, the advancing wheels would not work properly, the brakes would not function, the track gauge does not match, the cars would cause damage to the sensors and other equipment mounted on the track, and the larger cross section of the car would make wind a much bigger problem than it is now. Oh, and the ride would probably *deleted*.

Apart from that, I don't see any reason why that couldn't happen... :)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.


Hey.. waita sec..! What happens if they put the Raptor trains on upside down......? ;)

Incline Flash

What kind of question is this?


And don't forget the anit-rollbacks!

Coasters Are Gods

I don't know what kind of question it is... I was bored... and interested in seeing the results. =)

"Is Millennium Force a coaster... or a god?"
9 more days until... IT


Here is a good question, could they put a B&M sitdown or Floorless (I know I know forget the floorless) on Mantis track

Millennium Force Rides:2
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3



Erick Kalter

Well, since put the Magunm car at a 45 degree angle, why not try to put the car on MF tracks??

JT Coaster

Capacity would also be lowered takeing 32 people per train instead of 36.

"the Force of the new Millennium is being felt by those who choose to seek it.


Not a chance.

Live for FUN!



what do you mean 32 opposed to 36? On Magnum there are 6 trains of 6 seats.

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