Feel's like legs are being ripped off


The ride that G's effect me alot, is Mantis. Your legs especially going down the first hill and trough the loop, feel like they are thousands of pounds. It's hard to stay standing up cause your legs get so heavy and tired.

thank you.....and enjoy your record breaking ride on Millennium Force!



Raptor may pull some g's but in the back of all the batman clones, that is what i call hurting. the front isn't that bad though


In relation to peoples heads banging on the shoulder restraints, try riding serial thriller in geuaga lake, the ride has 4 inch thick foam padding because of that reason. Now that ride will give you a head ache. Now about the legs, no the ride should not feel like your legs are being ripped off. If you want to feel what it like to almost lose limbs, put your hand up of TTD, thats some force.


Hmmmmmm? I have never had any problems or any soreness from WT or Raptor. And the Mantis used to cramp my legs but I learned that if you relax and lean forward, it wont hurt one bit and your ears dont't bang against the shoulder harness. The key is to relax and you will just go with it.

I want to ride a rollercaster NAKED!!



My only problem is on WT, especially when it's cold for some reason, when I jump off the train I get a very painful pins and needles feeling in my feet/legs. It's from the blood rushing to my feet... not sure why it's worse when it's cold though. I just always have to remember to get down gently.

Rides 2001
Guest Services 2002



The initial launch on Wicked Twister occasionally makes my legs feel like moosh, especially when I try to resist the force. I also tend to slam my head around on the reverse spike while sitting in the back seat. Of course, it's nothing too uncomfortable that keeps me from riding it anymore.


I have never really felt anything regarding WT, but Raptor definatly has a great helix at the end. Putting my feet out in front of me fighting the G's makes it seem even more intense.



Gomez's avatar
After getting many headaches after ride Mantis and few on Raptor I'd have to say I've never had any kind head banging on WT at all.

Not related to the topic but I have to say that riding in the last 2 rows without holding is the most increible ride. The airtime you get when the stalls is very cool and the view is awesome.

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick


Jason Hammond

Jason Hammond's avatar
When I go on Wicket Twister, Raptor, or Mantis, I've in the past experienced the feeling of blood rushing to my feet. However, I've since lost quite a bit of weight and am in much better shape. This year I havn't experienced it at all. In addition I had my most comfortable ride on Mantis.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
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I agree, relaxing on those rides is the key... WT never bothered me... but Mantis and Raptor usually do at the beginning of the season, and as it goes on, it stops, but I have learned to just relax and lean foward.

Huggy Bear

Lol, Wicked Twister is the worst when it's raining and it's windy out. I got that stinging feeling in my legs when I got off it for the first time. But I don't have that problem now cause I've rode it so many times.


I've never had any problems on Raptor, but Mantis kills! And I always have my head leaning on one side except for the very end of Raptor, then I lay it back hard!



WT and Raptor don't make any kind of pain for me, but Mantis KILLS. Every time I ride it, it seems to endanger a different part of my body, the most recent being my legs.

Effrum said:If you want to feel what it like to almost lose limbs, put your hand up of TTD, thats some force.

Haha heck yes, I just did that on opening weekend finally. Definitely something to remember.

2008 - Games (Area 3/Scales)
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cedarpointlover's avatar

Twister Gives Me No Problems.

To cope with the rough entrance into the station, I just hold my head to one side, and not in the middle. No problems. :)

The helix also gives the feeling of ripping legs off...yes...just let it pass...

I just don't go on the Mantis. Problem Solved ;)



daniel smith

daniel smith's avatar

The last time I was there last Aug, It rain so my shoes got soaked. I putted on my sandols, Then when I got to Raptor I toke them off, Shoes are like G suits that Air Force Pilot's were, the shoes keep the blood in your leg's. With no shoes the blood makes it way to your feet(that's what I think). That's what happen last time.

Quote from a Corkscrew ride op, "And Dragster is down again"



I always have a problem with Wicked Twister. When I hop off, the little jump landing is alway painful on my feet because of the blood rush. I've found that simply waiting about five seconds or so after the restrains are released helps. I also wiggle my ankles and toes it "get the blood moving." I don't know if it works, but it might.

And it's also best not to resist the g-forces. Letting your body move freely will usually result in a more comfortable ride. When you hold yourself stiff, you will put strain on yourself.

Coaster Fanatic Since 2003



no but on the launch on WT i did hit my legs underneath the seat



i can feel the blood got to my feet on raptor but it doesn't feel to bad


Turbo Jaw

On the coaster Great Bear, inverted at hershey, my fave of all only because I haven't been to Cedar Point yet. The helix right after the lift before the drop, you drop down kinda then pull some serious G's going up to the drop. My legs feel funny for a second. I love that ride.

menlineum phorz si teh wni!!111one
Top Steel
1. MF 2. Nitro 3. TTD 4. KK 5. Raptor 6. WT 7. Storm Runner 8. Medusa 9. Maggie 10. Great Bear.
Top wood
1. El Toro 2. Lightning Racer 3. Blue Streak 4. Comet @ HP 5. Great White @ Morey's Pier


Keith 2005

Raptor's final Helix is pretty intense on my legs. Other than that, I've never notice anything worth remembering.


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