Heard this from someone I work with.. *bangs head on keyboard*


A girl I work with went to Cedar Point a couple of days ago with a few of her friends.

** OK, I KNOW THIS IS GOING TO SOUND RIDICULOUS! I myself have a very hard time believing it, but its hard to convince someone that something didnt happen if they were there and you weren't, so I am only posting/asking this as a question of possibility, and possible validity, not that I myself believe it! This should be fun for a "How many errors can you spot?" game. **

-- flame shield: up --

Her and a few of her friends went to Cedar Point a couple of days ago. They waited "forever" to ride TTD, and my friend was telling me that her friend had gotten whiplash and passed out on the ride. She said that, and yes, she tends to embellish things, but she said that you could see on her onride photo's that she was ok going up the hill and after the launch, but she blacked out, and I guess passed out, after the upward slope.

She said that you could see this girl completely slumped over in her seat for the 2nd picture. She said that the girl's seatbelt had also become unlocked during the ride, and that it "broke off".

I immedaitely came back with the fact that those seatbelts have double-locking cylinders and for both of them to snap off at what point, exactly, on the ride was unlikely.

This made her upset and she went on to say that "Seriously, it happened, I was there." She continued to tell me that they had inspected the seatbelt afterwards, and discovered that the seatbelt had actually torn apart, and that they let her friend keep it as a "souvenir". She then went on to tell me, even though at that point I was just smiling and nodding along.. that she "KNEW" this was a reoccuring problem because while waiting inline, they saw an ambulance have to come carry away someone else who passed out and got hurt on the ride, and she said that her friend was in a coma after the ride. I was just trying not to laugh now, but she THEN went on to say her friend sued the park, won, and received $10,000 from it, and 13 2-day passes good for anytime, ever.

She obviously was unaware of the fact that I am a HUGE coasterguy, and know my fair share of info about CP, just like many of you.

All I asked her was: "Was her head back during the launch?" That was the only thing I could think of to maybe hurt someone here, and she said that "Yes, her head was all the way back. Even looking at the 1st picture you could see the top of her head against the seatback."

My jaw hit the floor and I was thinking "Wtf??" Her head was tilted HOW far back??..

Anwyays, I told her that I was unsure about this because I have never heard of anyone sueing the park over an incident, but shrugged it off thinking that she was just lying (as usual) about it, and I stopped myself from saying anything else because then it hit me... didnt this happen a couple days ago? Talk about a speedy legal system!

Then. It happened..

She said it.

"Well it doesnt matter anyways because they're probably gonna be tearing it down because it NEVER works and it's hurting way too many people. What a stupid ride"

I calmly replied "Ok, that's just a rumor... it was a $25 million dollar ride that has been open for less than 2 years, they are not tearing it down."

She snapped back with "No, really, I have heard A LOT of people talking about them tearing it down.."

At that point I just shrugged and left.


go nuts, guys.



Grovite18 said:
I was just trying not to laugh now.

I am impressed at your self control. I was laughing after the first paragraph.

Beer and golf Thursday thru Monday, Cedar Point & beer, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Can you see One-Eyed-Willie from the top of Magnum?



It was just amazing after a few minutes..

she was trying to tell me how they have "slowed down the launch" because "too many people were getting hurt."

She said that it "USED to be able to make the speed needed in like, 2-3 seconds, and now it takes 4, because too many people were getting hurt, so they slowed it down."

Oh man.. it was a fun day at work... just spent the day reminiscing(sp?) and correcting every little bit, while never actually bringing any of it to her attention, because she isnt the type of person that would 1) listen to my corrections, or 2) not spend the rest of the nite talking about "that loser Chris" and yelling something at me everytime I saw her because she was just so intolerant of it anymore.


Jason Hammond

Jason Hammond's avatar
This is all nothing but a poorly fabricated lie.

Even if she did get hurt, and even if the seatbelt broke. (which both things seperate are astounding in and of themselves, but together are mindboggling) Even if this all did happen. They would never in a million years have *Given* her the seatbelt. The ride would have been shut down and would still be down until Intamin had analized the seatbelt and determined what the problem was.

In addition, if there was a lawsuit, it would likely not be with cedar point, but with the ride manufacture. And it would at a bare minimum be in the legal system for several months.

The only part of the story that i find vaguely possible is the fainting. Maybe if the person had very low blood pressure and was already prone to blackouts. In which case the person shouldn't be riding coasters anyway.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries
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Jeff's avatar
Why even entertain this kind of nonsense?

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music


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