Dragster Is BACK!


Those were the words in my e-mail from CedarPoint. Looks like Dragster is running smoothly and it will NOT be shut down for the season!! Cedarpoint said they are pleased to annonuce that Dragster is running to its potential and will only come down for minor fixes that will not last for more than an hour or so. JOY! Please post any comments about it being open or not! Thanks!

TTD Launches: 0 :( MF Plunges: 10 Wicked Twists: 9 Magnum Bullets: 24 Raptor Strikes: 17 Mantis Rolls: 6 Days at CP 03': 2 3/4
*** This post was edited by altec_tech 7/17/2003 1:01:06 PM ***



uh, where have you been? Dragster has been open for like, almost 2 weeks now, running very near to its full potential....

some people just need to wake up and smell the coffee..

"What time does the 10 pm laser show start?"



altec...your an observant one!!! Good call on noticing its up!...lol, im j/k with ya.
pm me with what you think.


:( Sorry.

TTD Launches: 0 :( MF Plunges: 10 Wicked Twists: 9 Magnum Bullets: 24 Raptor Strikes: 17 Mantis Rolls: 6 Days at CP 03': 2 3/4



I think that maybe altec-tech was just commenting about his FunTimes email he just got from CP. I just got the same email yesterday too, but of course I knew that already. It was nice to hear the statement from CP though.



old man Jenkins

Same hear cyberdman.



ShiveringTim's avatar

Shhhhh...don't say that too loud. You'll jinx the ride :)

Scott W. Short



Jeff's avatar
It'll be running at its potential when launches happen every 42 or seconds or less.

Jeff - Webmaster - GTTP - Luau II Cam 7/19
DELETED! What time does the water show start?


Big D

The thing about that email is that CP acctually announced that TTD is back, That gives a confirmation that the major problem with the contamination of the hydraulic oil has been fixed. Everybody knows its been running for 2 weeks, But we havent gotten the assurance from CP that the major was fixed until now. BTW, i was happy to see that email

- Dennis
When I die, They'll read this And say a genius wrote it.



Here is what I noticed yesterday.

They were getting launches in the 55-65 second interval, running 5 trains. There were short periods of downtime for a launch reset and 1 for a block reset. I think the longest period of downtime was 20 minutes....this was whil I was in line anyways. They really seemed to be getting trains through and it was really great to see that. Now my comments ablut the ride:

This was my very first time riding it .....there are no words to describe how incredible or intense this ride is. I also broke one of my personal rules...I NEVER put my hands up the first time I go on a new ride...needless to say, sitting in the fron seat on Dragster, I put my arms up :) . That ride is absolutely incredible and I would gladly wait 2 hours plus again and again to ride it.......WOW :) I still have four days of vacation left..might need to take another trip down there

Races for the sky - 2 Front Seat - 1



If Dragster is back for good, I would like to start seeing the commercials on TV again. I've missed them; they were so cool.

Egg nog... how'd they think that up?
"I want to get a little drunk... but I also want some pankcakes."



reposted below, with paragraphs... -J
*** This post was edited by Jeff 7/18/2003 9:56:29 AM ***


Wow, can you add some paragraphs to that? It's gives me a headache just scanning over it.

Wanna Get High? Ride Top Thrill Dragster!
RIP Top Thrill Dragster Themeing, who lies here in pieces on June 26, 2003.



I think that was a very well written response, but anyways of course we all do know Dragster has been up since the July 4th weekend (With exception of that one day or so) but the email from CP is so releiving. Is there anyone on here who hasnt had their fingers crossed everyday since July 4th when checking the webcam? Yeah CP closing the ride was unlikely, but the aweful thought was still there because it was still possible you never knew if the day would be its last this season. I've been to CP 3 times this year especially to ride TTD (any other year I go twice the whole season), and to this day have zero rides in. We will be back again Thursday the 24th and will not enter the park this time unless TTd will open sometime that day. I have no doubt now at the end of that day I can say I experienced what everyone else cant describe in words. Anyways the downtime this year has been a nightmare and frustrating for everyone, but CP is world class, and as always, they dont dissapoint. My whole point is if they can actually send out notices that that "TTD is back", then sleep well, because after all they know %100 what goes on with TTD at all times (we can sit here and specualate mostly) if they can say that after all thats happened, then they are sure major problems are a thing of the past.


For Coaster Kaiser...hopefully this better for you..the post didn't seem as long in the "post a reply" box...

Long time lurker, first time post...I was doing some business just south of the Point this afternoon and had to check out TTD in person even though I was by myself and didn't even intend on going into the park.....As it turned out, my excitement got the best of me and with the help of some amazing luck, I finally experienced my first ride on TTD at about 4:20pm this afternoon. Funny thing is that I arrived at the park at about 4:00pm. Yes, you read that correctly...it was about 20 minutes from when I entered the line (which was stretched down the midway to the Corkscrew entrance) to the platform.

None of the queues were filled, so it was into the entrance (after being questioned by security about loose articles, which they should do) and right into the station. As you can imagine, I was a little surprised at how easy this seemed to be. I was told by someone in line that it had been down (for whatever reason) since about Noon and had just opened up. I noticed as I drove in the causeway that no trains had been launched until I parked my car in the Soak City lot and started walking to the entrance.

The first train I saw launched in person was empty and seemed to function flawlessly as it blew by me as I walked to the end of the line. Shortly after, a full train launched to the delight of the crowd and the line moved quickly as trains were launched at fairly quick intervals for the next 20 minutes. The same guy that told me it had been down also said this was his 3rd attempt at riding and he had waited about 6 hours total over 3 trips (including 2 hours earlier in the day) and still had not ridden it because of shutdowns.

I was starting to feel a little guilty and nervous at the same time as I wanted to get on ASAP as this seemed to good to be true. I picked the left line going into the station and teamed up with another single in line and stepped into the back seat of the Purple train...I was hoping not to be stapled in (like I've heard), but found out quickly that was no joke. It wasn't painful, but I was jammed pretty tight. We were given the thumbs up and kicked into the starting line. I think that was when I realized I was actually on the thing...before I knew it, revving engines, smoke and the tree was on and boom...122 MPH and 420FT later, it was over.

A description of the launch would not do it justice. It literally sucked the breath right out of me...simply amazing...I wanted to catch a glimpse of the speedometer to my right on the launch, but I was so shocked by the speed, I totally missed the sign. I sort of got my bearings as we crested the tophat and enjoyed the drop and twist, but this ride is all about the launch....just a pure speed and adrenline fix...I staggered out of the exit to check my picture with a big smile on my face. I wanted to get back in line and do it again so I could actually experience the ride as it all seemed to be a sort of a blur.....But I was short on time and the line had grown significantly as word was out the TTD was indeed back again!.....I proceeded to get quick rides on Millie and Maggie before I began my 3 hour trek back home...I did notice that TTD had some additional minor downtime from about 5:15 to 6pm, but was running STRONG with a full queue when I left at 6:30.

Hopefully Dragster is back for good and everyone who has been unfortunate enough to miss out (for whatever reason) on a truly amazing ride will get the chance to experience it for themselves. It definately does not suck regardless of it's growing pains this season. It was worth the wait (even though it happened to be just 20 minutes for me..;-)..next time..front seat.
*** This post was edited by TTDan 7/21/2003 10:16:29 PM ***



Jeff's avatar
You can edit your post by clicking "edit" next to your name.

Jeff - Webmaster - GTTP - Luau II Cam 7/19
DELETED! What time does the water show start?



Jeff, that is an interesting point you made about the 42 seconds...So far, whenever I've been to the park and Dragster has been running, I have been able to time the launches to almost a near exact 60 seconds, and while thats better than before, it is still a long way from 42....

Go Full Force. :::::::::::::89



pagoona, about the commercials, i've seen TTD commercials several times in the past couple days, so Dragster is BACK!
Top Thrill Dragster: 2
Millenium Force: 17
Magnum: 71


Thanks for the tip Jeff, and getting rid of the 1st long post...you beat me too it....


Really! Dragster has been running to "full potential" for a week or 2 by now...you need to keep updated, and I look forward to my 2-3 trips to the point coming up, wanna get launched as much as possible!
LaUnCh...420 feet, 120 mph, 4 seconds....brakes...breathe

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