Upside down Funhouse!

I say bring this funhouse back.. Now I know what you are going to say, What the hell are you talking about? About 20 years ago CP had this so-called funhouse with a giant slide that you rode down in the dark. I remember this funhouse very well with some of the details of the upside down room. I remember the funhouse being 3 levels of weird rooms. Why can't CP just bring this back just for halloweekends? Too hard to setup?
I love Funhouses of any type. Nowadays they are hard to find. I wish they would bring one back to CP.

Anyone know of any other parks with a decent funhouse?

Hmm...House on Boo Hill? Close as you will get.

BTS Cedar Point

That was the only thing in the park that the entire family from Grandma to MagnumForces and my other brother who was 4 at the time 1972, could do together.

I still miss the tilted room and the slide at the end.


"If you look to the left side of the train you will see the Coasters of Cedar Point"

As an "old" CP'er, the funhouse is one of the attractions I miss the most. I love fun houses, and after walking through U.R. Dade Mortuary this weekend with the spinning tunnel, I had flashbacks of the old CP Fun House.

I would love to see a new funhouse installed.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Even more amusing than the return of the sideways room, the spinning tunnel corridor and blacklights, blacklights everywhere would be watching some of these RCEs trying to exit via the slides.

Haw haw haw!


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

I used to love the room of mirrors where the old trick always was to look at the ceiling to help you find your way through it.

That and the old rocking Granny on the ceiling.
*** This post was edited by cyberdman 10/1/2002 10:31:04 AM ***

I always loved the cackling witch that greeted you from her balcony when you first entered.

Yup. CP is really trying to cater to the families these days. Look at the flops:

Peanuts Playground

Berenstain Bear Country.

Whatever happened to those ride that we remember growing up? My daughter will NOT have vivid memories of Peanut's Playground. She hated getting dirty from that gravel. Remember the cool rides...Earthquake, Pirate Ride and the Funhouse. Those were 3 family rides we hit every year.
Blue people fly sideways when it rains....

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